To the Guy Who Sexually Assaulted My Best Friend,
You don’t know who I am. You didn’t know my best friend, either. Yet, you thought it was in your power, in your right, to force yourself on her. She was living her best life, trying out the party scene because she had never known anything different than the small town life that we both grew up in. She was living her best life until you shoved her against that dark, basement wall.
Until you saw the opportunity to live your best life by taking away hers.
If I had been there, I would have killed you. You think I’m joking but I’m not. My best friend is a strong, willful, powerful woman and the fact that I know that you made her feel worthless, disgusting, and ugly makes me furious. It makes me so mad that my blood boils. If she were to tell me who you were, I would travel the 500+ miles to find your sorry a** just to know why on earth you thought it was appropriate to sexually assault her. And after you made up some lame excuse for a reason, I’d kick your sorry, lame a** to Timbuctoo.
Because no one, I repeat no one, deserves to be assaulted just because they were at a college party and were finally allowing themselves to live.
It doesn’t matter how much alcohol was in your system. It doesn’t matter how provocative her outfit was. It doesn’t matter if she was intoxicated. It doesn’t matter that everyone was in a dark basement and no one could see. It does not matter. What you did was beyond wrong. Beyond disgusting.
Yet, you’re probably still living your best life because you walked away before she could even register what happened to her.
But she’s not anymore because you took that away from her. She can’t go out anymore without looking over her shoulder. She pulls at her clothes now when she goes out with her friends because you violated every inch of her body. She’s hesitant with any guy now because whenever she thinks of moving forward, you pop into her head and chills run down her spine.
You put a permanent roadblock in her life and now she’s having to figure out how to move around it.
You made her believe that it was her fault and she deserved it. But the only person who deserves such a vile, inhumane act to happen to them is you. Imagine if you were in her shoes. Oh, that’s right, you probably can’t because you’re a guy, and you think you’re stronger than anyone who comes your way. Well, she used to think the same thing. She used to believe that she was the strongest force on Earth but thanks to you, she doesn’t see that anymore.
And despite me continuously telling her that she is strong and worthy and beautiful, she dismisses them because she can’t get over the vile acts that you did to her.
You made my best friend turn a deaf ear to me. You have made her into a person that I hardly recognize and that breaks my heart. You have made her cry herself to sleep. You have made us stay up late trying to work out the why’s that follow a situation like this one just so she can have closure.
You have left us empty-handed. You have left her nearly torn apart.
But she’s going to be ok because she’s strong, mighty and powerful. She’s going to get over the horrible situation that you put her through. She is going to get over you. She’ll conquer the demons that you put into her soul and she’ll come out on top. And you want to know why? Because she is stronger than you could ever imagine.
Because you may have torn her apart and you may have turned her life upside down, but a piece of sh*t like yourself could not, and will not, break her.
And I will be here for her through it all. I will be here reminding her of her worth. I will remind her that all demons meet their match on Judgment Day. I will remind her that your day is coming. Just remember, buddy, Karma is a b*tch and she’s got a special plan for you.