"You guys will stay in touch." "Moving is not the end of the world." "You will make new friends."
All things that my mom said to me when I found out that you were moving. Having your best friend move away was the worst pain I thought that I would ever feel. I never knew that my first true best friend could, in a way, be one of my soul mates.
You have made me believe that a person can have many soul mates.. people that will constantly grow with you and truly understand your heart. That was why, when we found each other again, I was not surprised that we were able to pick up right where we left off.
I can remember the two of us being as close as can be: teachers would move our seats because we would talk too much during class, our families became close, I can remember your mom telling us that we "will be in each other's weddings."
It is hard to believe that little girls who wore "best friends forever" bracelets would actually be best friends forever. Unfortunately, God has different plans for us when we were growing up-- we had to learn different things on our own, without each other by our sides. Many times I look back at the mean girls in middle school and the heart breaks in high school and I wish that you could have been there by my side. But if we were there for each other, would we have learned how to stand on our own? Because I have you back now, I know that we will never let each other go again, I know that I never have to be alone again, that I always have someone that will 100% have my back and will always stand up for me. If I was spoiled with that my whole life, then I would have never learned loss, betrayal, how to stand up for myself, how to be brave, and things that I had to learn for myself.
Thankfully, now you are back and I will never have to be alone again. You were my person before I even knew having a person was a thing, because back then I just called you my best friend-- and I still do today. Somehow randomly one day God put it in our minds that we needed each other for the newest chapter in our lives, that we would be going through the most difficult situations that we have faced so far as we enter adulthood. We are no longer those little girls that fight over Barbies, we are adults that are going to need someone to hold our hands when things get tough.
You have shown me that true love and true friendship can prevail over anything. You have shown me what is meant to be truly will be. You have shown me that good, true, and loyal friends will always come back to you like they have never left-- even if it has been years.
You know my deepest secrets, my weirdest quirks, my biggest dreams, and my smallest goals. You are the person did not judge me when I told you that I shit my pants in Panera and when texted you in the middle of the night that my new medication is making me sweat uncontrollably. You support me in following my dreams, even if that means that I have to drag you out of bed at 5 in the morning just to fall asleep outside. You are the person that I text at night saying "yeah we are totally going to get up early and work out tomorrow," and we both oversleep our alarms (or don't even set one because we know that is not going to happen).
God us to be each other's best friends. I am your shoulder to cry on, your helping hand, your cheerleader, and your person that you can always count on to be there when times get tough. I am never letting you go ever again, because I need you to be there when we graduate college, when my first big girl job boss is a jerk, when I am freaking out the night before my wedding because I have a zit, when I am pregnant and my hormones are out of control, and when I need someone who knows me better than anyone to lay in bed with me and cry or laugh or just sit there and be with me. I will always be there for you and you will always be here for me, because we were meant for each other-- you are my soul sister. I love you.