When going off to college you have to except that there are going to be people in your life that you are not going to be able to see every day. There will definitely be people that you won't talk to anymore. You come to realize that the only reason you were friends with certain people is that you saw them five times a week. As sad as it can be to lose people, that is life. At the moment it may hurt that you are no longer friends with them, but later on in life, you may find out why. There is a reason that they are no longer in your life. They were in your life for a purpose and maybe their purpose is completed.
There is one friend that I met in the summer before freshman year. We can be pretty opposite from one another. She's athletic, I am not. She appreciates a good party, whereas I usually stay clear of them. She also enjoys a relaxed night with a few friends as well, but if she wants "a good time" she'll call up other friends and she knows that if something were to happen she can call me immediately. Throughout all of high school, she is the one that stayed with me through thick and thin; I was the same for her. It is amazing that two complete strangers from two different backgrounds can grow to be such amazing friends.
As I went away to college in Phoenix Arizona, she stayed home in California. There is a considerable amount of distance between us, so the only time I get to see her is on breaks. I have also noticed that we don't talk every day, which is okay. Just because someone may be labeled as a best friend doesn't mean you have to talk to them twenty-four seven. In fact, whenever we see each other it is like I never left. We just pick up right where we left off. I think it speaks volumes when you don't have to speak to someone on a daily basis, but when you get together things are not that different. Obviously, our situations have changed, but not the friendship.
I know that both she and I have grown so much within this past year, but I know she is still my best friend. I love her to death and I don't where I would be without her. I don't give out the title of a best friend very often. In fact, she might be the third person I have ever called a best friend. I don't get how people can have so many best friends because doesn't that defeat the purpose of calling them a best friend? I have lost many friends simply because of the distance and the fact that we no longer stay in touch or try to reach out to one another. You have to both put the effort into the friendship so that it can stay long lasting. Without the effort, then it will all fall apart.
I simply wish she could be me for a day so that she could see how much she truly means to me. Whenever I see her, I see a girl that is smart, funny, kind, hardworking, talented, protective, a fighter and an overall amazing person. I want to let her know that she is stronger than she thinks. You are always there when I need a shoulder to cry on or someone to laughs with. We both know that we are both dorks on the inside when we are together. If you could be me for a day you would realize how much I love and care for you.
This distance made be killer, but I won't let it get between us. Despite any fears that I may have, I know that I have you in my life. I want to thank you for being there and being someone I can count on.