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I Went To My First Wedding For A Friend

And I cried all the tears.

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I've been to plenty of weddings before but always for my cousins, never for my close friends. When I got the "save the date" card for Leah's wedding I was so excited. When Leah moved out of state for college, I was crushed. It had been over a year since I had last seen her except for the pictures she posted of her new man, Brandon. When she posted her engagement pictures, I knew she had never been happier.

Leah's engagement to Brandon@huizengaleah15

A few months before the wedding, our group of friends reunited at Leah's bridal shower and I got to hear her gush about how excited she was about her fiancé and her future, which only got me more excited for the wedding.

Leah's bridal shower: Me, Rachil, Leah, Racine, and AudreyMorgan Shaffer

When the wedding day rolled around, I couldn't wait. Her ceremony was small and beautiful - classic, just like her. My first tears started when I saw her walking down the aisle with her dad. Her dad had raised her alone and I remember being at her house when we were seven and it was just her, him and their Roomba; it was crazy to see her grown up being given away to Brandon.

Leah on her wedding dayMorgan Faber

The tears came rolling again when Leah and Brandon exchanged their vows. As soon as Leah started crying I was done for; I had never been more happy for her in my life. For all that she had been through in her youth, seeing her meet someone who loved and accepted her and made her genuinely happy was all too much for me.

Leah and Brandon at their receptionMorgan Faber

At the reception, I started crying again when Leah's dad gave a toast. He talked about her childhood memories and shared how he had always told us growing up that we couldn't get married until we were 27. I still remember those days in their kitchen when he would give us life advice that we didn't know we needed at the time.

My boyfriend and me at the receptionMorgan Shaffer

I haven't been so elated for someone in a long time. Seeing one of my friends thriving and happy brought me so much happiness. I did not expect to cry so much at her wedding but here I am, crying again just thinking about. Seeing my friend so in love had me crying and I'm sure this won't be the last wedding I completely lose it at; I'll just need to remember to bring the Kleenex next time.

Congratulations to the new Mr. and Mrs. Huizenga. I love you both!

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