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10 Of My Best Wishes For My Best Friend Graduating

My heart is so full for you. My heart has tons to say to you but even more to wish for you.

10 Of My Best Wishes For My Best Friend Graduating
Celina Leggiere & Taryn Leighton

Now here we are. As many times as we said "I feel like it'll never come" or "it can't come soon enough" now, I'm begging you to stay. Now I'm begging you to find and or accept a job in this town that you've called home for the last four years. I am begging you to at least stay over the summer. I'm begging you to stay over my house every night because I don't want to lose hours with you.

But my begging is selfish and in reality, I couldn't be more proud of you. In fact, not only do I envy you but you've become someone I look up too. It's been hard watching you do all the senior stuff this spring. From taking your graduation pictures to going with you to pick up cords, and now, I have to watch you walk across that stage. I can promise you the tears that come will be a mixture of happy and sad. Proud tears because you earned this. You worked hard for this. Happy tears, well because when you're happy I'm happy and I know this was your dream, your goal.

Sad tears because now there's only a maximum of 72 hours before the real world rips you from my hands. But what it can't rip you from is my heart. My heart is so full for you. My heart has tons to say to you but even more to wish for you.

1. Never forget what you deserve. 

  • As you go into the world, know that you deserve the world and don't settle for anything less.

2. Life becomes all that you want it too. 

They say "life's what you make it." I hope yours becomes everything you want and make it to be. I hope you make it just as good as you have made mine.

3. Your dreams stay big. 

You deserve that dream house. You deserve that dream car. You deserve that dream career. You deserve that dream love. But as much as you deserve all those things, keep dreaming and keep dreaming.

4. Your worries stay small

I hope you never have to carry more than you can hold. Your worries stay about your successes.

5. When a door closes, you walk and find a window. 

I've watched as you have never given up. For example, here you are graduating. It hasn't been easy for you. Lots of doors shut in your face. But you always found a window to crawl through. You learned to use each challenge as an opportunity to overcome the problem, despite adversity.

6.  You stay true to yourself because I love that person. Be you.

You gave "original" a new definition for me. You taught me that it was okay to be myself as I watched you be unapologetically yourself.

7. You change the world

The world needs you more than I do. The great person you are, the heart you have, the world desperately needs you. So go, go change the world.

8. Cherish every moment

Even if you're running someone coffee. Know that is where you are supposed to be. Do it with a grateful heart & watch it bring you to many new starts.

9. Follow your heart 

The heart you have some people would die for. You can't teach people to love like you do. You can't teach people to have compassion like you do.

10. Know somebody loves you & wants the best for you. 

When you feel unloved, alone, drained, exhausted, know there's someone out there rooting for you. Loving you from 1,000 miles away. Ready to watch you chase and accomplish everything you want in life. That person is me. I love you.

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