Dear Best Friend,
Congrats, you finally did! The day you have waited 12 years for has finally arrived. I can’t believe how grown up you are. At the end of this week, you will be walking across that stage and getting your well-deserved diploma. I am so proud of you and want to wish you the best of luck.
Throughout your high school career, you worked so hard. Not only am I talking about homework and tests, but literal work. You bust your butt to get good grades while always having a job. Retail is stressful as it is not even counting that plus high school. Many people cannot handle having a job and school (I couldn’t) but, you did. You always had a smile on your face whenever you were at work and never complained.
Of course, you went through drama these past four years. I mean this is part of growing up and going to high school, everyone deals with the drama. You handled boy drama with such class and grace…Audrey Hepburn would be proud. There is no reason to let a boy dull your sunshine and you never did. You stood up for what you believe in and I admire that about you.
I love how passionate you are about everything. You are so passionate about Starbucks and won’t even walk into a Dunkin’. You are so optimistic and always choose to see the best in the worst situations, which is a great quality to have. I do not understand how you manage to wake up at 5 a.m. to always look your best because I could never do that.
You managed to get through high school while dreaming. I do not mean you slept through high school, but I mean dreaming about your future. You never stopped dreaming about being in New York City and driving a Range Rover with the trunk filled with Henri Bendel and Tiffany's bags. You worked hard in high school to get into different great colleges (so happy you chose where I go) so that you can have a great future. I know you will keep your dream in sight and work just as hard to get there in college.
I want you to know that college is different than high school. You did an amazing job in high school though, and I know you will do fine! It is harder, but it will be some of the best years of your life. Plus, since you are going to the same school as me, I will be there with you every step of the way.
Make sure you get involved on campus. I know how much you love working, but have some fun, too! Do not be so serious all of the time and let loose. I am not telling you to fly off the railing and go crazy but live a little. Being involved on campus will make your college experience so much better because your college years should be more than just class and work.
The college years will be the best years of your life, even if you think that is impossible. I know you loved high school and had a blast, but trust me on this. Make sure you use Rate My Professor and get the best professors as soon as you can register. Making your own class schedule is great because you can choose when you want to go. Taking morning classes might be a pain, but registering early and getting those is great. You won’t get to sleep in, but you will have your whole day to have fun (or sleep).
Always take notes on your laptop, because you have to take a lot of notes and your hand will cramp up writing them all down. I know you like to look nice all the time, but trust me, wear pj's to class especially if you have a double block class. College classes are longer than in high school and you want to be comfy. Snacks are very important. Since classes are longer, make sure you bring some snacks and water to class. Your first couple of weeks I suggest making sure you leave early to go to class because it is easy to get lost (take a picture of the school map on your phone to help you).
I know you are going to do great things after you walk across that stage at the end of the week. Finally, you won’t have to deal with high school and people who do not know how to walk in the hallway. I want you to know I will always be supporting you. You have made a big accomplishment in life, and now it is time to work toward that next degree. I am so proud of you and can’t wait to see what great things you accomplish in college and after.
So, cherish your last couple of days as a high school student. Good luck in college!