To my best friend who graduated before me,
Well here we are: nearly one month into classes. And it's finally starting to hit me... slowly.
After 17 years of friendship, we seem to have parted ways... again.
It doesn't really seem right that I'm here and you're not. It doesn't seem real. It's like you're on this long visit home, and I'll see you when you get back. But you're elsewhere. You're living your life. And I'm living mine.
Now I'm left here texting you about the changes that school has made instead of ordering a thing of fries and splitting them in the grille after a long day. I'm left here to find someone new to drag to events with me because I don't want to go alone. I'm left to piece together the next year on my own.
It feels like graduating high school all over again; when we went our separate ways. You promise to stay in each other's lives. But ultimately you don't know where you're going to end up in the next 5 years.
I can't imagine what it was like after graduation before the invention of iPhones and Facebook. I can't imagine the communication level was the same. But for now, I’m thankful that I get to see your silly SnapChats and I can Skype when I miss you. Because truly, my life would suck without you in it!
Love ya long time kid,