To my best friend who is going to be far away for college,
It feels like just yesterday that I walked into school and introduced myself to you. I didn't know anyone at my new school and it was a scary feeling but you made me feel welcome right away. Over time we got to know each other, but who would've thought that you would become my best friend?
Now you know every detail of my life, the drama, the happiness, the bad, and you have become a sister to me. Whenever I'm having an awful day and I don't know who to go to, you're always there for me.
We know each other’s coffee orders; how could we ever forget how many times we've had to bring the other our daily caffeine supply? Your drama has become my drama and my drama has become yours. And don't even get me started on our spontaneous drives to complain about that one girl who drove us both insane. You're the yin to my yang, the peanut butter to my jelly, and any other cliche you can come up with.
My life is ten times easier because you are a five-minute drive away from me, but in a few months, it won't be that easy anymore. I won't be able to text you at all hours of the day and night telling you I'm coming to pick you up, I won't be able to depend on you to pick up my coffee order when I don't have the time to, and I won't be able to sit in your car crying when I'm so stressed out about school that I feel like I'm going to explode. Truthfully, it hasn't fully hit me yet that we’re going to be separated for months at a time, but you'll still be my best friend.
I won't forget to text you constantly and keep you updated on my life. You'll still hear about how stressed I am about school, and you'll always hear how much I miss you. I hope you know I'm here for you at all times, too.
I'll always be excited to see your family again when you come home because they've become a second family to me and I'll even miss your dog, too. Don't worry; I'll most definitely come to visit you when I can. Even if I have to save up every last penny to hop on a plane.
No matter who I meet in college and where life takes me, you'll always be my best friend. I couldn't possibly imagine forgetting someone who has kept me sane since the day I met her and who has helped me keep myself together. Thanks for being the greatest best friend I could ever ask for.