Growing up, my mom once told me that it was okay that I had outgrown a friendship. That as I matured, things in my life would change and I would come to find that certain relationships no longer served the purpose that they once had. She said that in my heart, I’d know when I’d found a true friend. When I was eight I knew I’d found a keeper. The fact that my new friend had four legs and a certain affinity for playing catch made her all the more unique.
Ten years later my dog is still my best friend. My sweet, lovable, trustworthy best friend. She crawled her way into my heart, one paw at a time. There’s something about a dog’s unbridled happiness and its inability to find flaws in its owner. Something about the way that a dog unconditionally loves and the innocence in its eyes that captures your heart. A dog really is a man -- or in this case -- a woman’s best friend, and here’s why.
1. She says hello like no one else.
I’m am always welcomed home with this untiring enthusiasm. Her excitement to see me is unwavering, never failing. No one else welcomes me with such open arms -- er -- paws.
2. She knows when something is wrong.
More and more I’m surprised by my dog’s innate ability to recognize when I’m upset, hurt, tired or sick. Her little puppy eyes empathize with me, and I know that she would do anything to make me feel better, and usually, licking the tears off my face, smiling or simply nuzzling my arm does just the trick.
3. She’s always down for an afternoon nap.
Very rarely will I meet someone who understands the necessity of a mid-day snooze like my dog does. Sure her 90-pound body has to squeeze in next to mine, all within the confines of my twin size bed, but puppy cuddles really are the best. It even makes her snoring worth it.
4. She makes me laugh.
Whether it’s the moment she performs a new trick, or the times where she rolls around in the freshly mowed lawn only transform her yellow coat to a lime green mess, I can always count on her to put a smile on my face.
5. I can’t stay mad at her.
Yes she gets into the trash on a daily basis. Sure, one time she ate an entire bag of M&M’s. One summer she left teeth marks on every pair of flip-flops I owned. But one look into her eyes and I’m smitten all over again. Bring on the puppy shaming Facebook photos.
6. Her love for life.
Every dog, at heart, is still a puppy. Mine is no different. Within her heart she holds this unbridled confidence, and this exuberance for life that can be matched by no human. Not bound by an understanding of the way in which humans judge each other, dogs have no regard for ridicule. Chasing their tales is the equivalent to humans dancing in the rain, and dogs teach that where there is joy there are no rules to follow. Follow your heart and live a life you’re proud of.
Dogs teach us to love. How to receive it, how to give it. And really, what more could you want from a best friend?