Best Friend
/best frend/
1. There's no one definition for a best friend. It's subjective and everyone has different wants and needs, so how I define it will be extremely different from someone else
I have multiple best friends, but I have two end-all, be-all best friends. What makes these friends different from other friends that I possess is...not all that much really, but it's enough that they have a much different place in my heart. What defines a best friend? There are so many different attributes one could have that would make them a "best" friend.
My best friend is someone who will ask me how I'm doing. My best friend is someone I can count on to help the process of my feeling better. My best friend is proud of me no matter how small or large the progress I make in life is. My best friend is someone who I can express my feelings too without having the fear of being judged. My best friend is there for me always.
My best friend will call me out on my bad habits. They will not support the lies. Especially the lies directed at myself. My best friend keeps me on the path that I have chosen and will never let me give up. My best friend welcomes criticism and gives their own. My best friend doesn't coddle me or sugar coat the bad times.
My best friend makes time for me, but is also someone I love to make time for. My best friend listens to me, but is also someone who I want to talk passionately about everything that makes them who they are. My best friend doesn't abandon me in times of absolute need, but when they need me I will be there to pick up any weight that they need me to.
My best friend is an entirely different world. My best friend gives me their world. My best friend gives me everything and will get everything in return. My best friend won't pretend to understand but my best friend is there despite not understanding. My best friend reminds me that I have purpose. My best friend loves me despite the flaws. My best friend loves me unconditionally.
My best friend doesn't need to be at my side 24/7. My best friend doesn't need to be speaking to me constantly because I know that they are cheering for me from a distance. My best friend isn't jealous of my achievements and I'm not jealous of theirs. That's my best friend. They're doing great and I could not be happier for them. My best friend will always know that they're my best friend without me needing to tell them,
My best friend is more than all of this. My best friend has unlimited qualities that make them who they are to me. I could never ask for better best friends or even better friends. I will cherish all the old best friends I still have (those from middle school/high school) and the new best friends I've made in my different adventures and through different experiences.
I may have best friends and other friends, but they both hold weight in my heart. It's just a different kind of weight. My friends are constantly changing, and for every friend that I lose I know that I will have several other people to take their place. I will always miss the friends I lose, but I will be thankful for the new friends I gather as I grow older.
My best friend is everything to me.