Dear Best Friend,
Thinking back to everything that we have been through this past year, there are no words that can possibly describe all the challenges that we have overcome. There are no words to even describe how grateful I am for your presence.
For most people, their best friend has been their best friend for years. But for us, it's been less than a year.
In this past year, I have stood by you in the downs that you've had. In the past year, you have stood by me in the downs that I've had. We've spent so many waking hours together, whether it be enjoying each other's presence or talking about the more important questions in our lives and questioning how our lives turned out this way. We also spent nights falling asleep next to each other. Even though we weren't awake, we had each other.
From all the times that I have been down or hurt about something, thank you for always encouraging me to feel better and telling me that things are going to be okay.
We've introduced each other to so many different things and teaching each other about the things we didn't know existed.
Even though school is on a break and we don't get to see each other as often as we'd like. Well, as I'd like, we manage to constantly message each other throughout the day and talking about the most random things.
The memories that we have made in this past year are countless. Literally. Within the past few months, we've been to the movies (one of which became your favorite movie), been on countless 2 am McDonald's runs, taken drives in the area, gone on late-night Safeway runs, pulled all-nighters, etc. The list goes on and on.
It's surprising to see how far we've come in such a short period of time. We have gone from acquaintances, to friends, to best friends, to not talking to each other, then back to best friends. The choices that we have made have shaped us into who we are today. The mountains that we have climbed have often times been overwhelming, but look at where we are today. The rough patches are now over and we have things to look forward to.
Thank you for everything that you have done for me thus far. Most importantly, I do want to thank you for sticking by me and talking to me even when I shut you out. To be honest, I don't know where I would be now if you hadn't been here the entire time. Let's have another amazing year and so many more to come. Even with the thousands of memories that we have made in the past year, there are still so much more to be made. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.