A Love Letter To My Best Friends | The Odyssey Online
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A Love Letter To My Best Friends

All of them.

A Love Letter To My Best Friends
Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

I have never thought of myself as a lucky person. I mean, truly I have had many very unlucky things happen in my life. Yet when I think about the amazing people I have in my life, I am anything but unlucky.First, I have my hometown friends, which sounds so weird to say. These people never fail to make me laugh harder than anyone else. I mean, seriously, you would think that they wouldn't be funny after seven years of friendship. Everyone always tells you that friends come and go, but not these ones. I have literally been through thick and thin with them, and I would not change that for a thing. Being away at school is hard but knowing that they'll be there when I get back makes it worth it.

Then there are my work friends. When I first started my job, I had no idea that you could be friends with your coworkers - not just friends but close friends. These people, who I now consider my best friends, that I initially hated due to my mind being just on the paycheck - boy, I could not have been more wrong. I'm not sure how many people can say that they enjoy going to work for the most part, but I can, and it is because of the people I am working alongside. They have become so much more than coworkers to me, and they never fail to make me feel important. They never make me feel like I must hide who I am. The hardest part about being away at school is working at another job where it feels like a job.

Now, after these two amazing groups of friends, I used to think to myself that nobody will ever compare. I will never find another group of friends that makes me just as happy as they do. I will hate school and just want to go back to see my friends all the time. Well, I was wrong. Now, my friends at school are the biggest thing keeping me here. They let me know that I am not alone when I miss home or when I am stressed out with work. They always make me laugh and feel like it's all worth it.I want to thank all of you and let you know just how much you mean to me. I mean, I am seriously about to cry right now thinking about how lucky I am to have you all in my life. You are the ones that keep me going and remind me what it's all about. You remind me to be understanding and to treat people with the kindness that I have found in all of you. I can only imagine what my life would be like without such amazing people to share it with. I cannot express in words how much I appreciate you. I love you.

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