A little over two years ago, life got a little better when you came into it. At the time, I never would have expected it, but you have become my closest friend and one of the most important people in my life. I am, and always will be grateful to freshman year of college for bringing us together.
Even when we barely knew each other, I could talk to you about anything and everything. From the really good things to the really bad. I trust opening up to you. You have given me endless reasons to believe that. I have shared things with you I have never been able to share with anyone else. You have genuinely been there for me when I need it most.
Freshman year, I believe it was the first time we had ever spent time together without our friends, we pulled an all-nighter and spent roughly thirteen hours in the dorm hallway talking. We had started out studying but quickly began to ramble about so many things. Some of the conversations have escaped my memory, but I will never forget that night. That night was the first time I ever felt that I could finally open up and be one hundred percent myself, even if to just one person.
Since that night, you have been there for me.
Even if we went a few weeks without hanging out, I could message you and you would be there.
Two years later, and nothing has changed. Things have not been easy recently. I've dealt with more these past few months than I have most of my life. You have been more than I could have ever asked for, helping me through it all. You've sat in a car with me for multiple hours while I poured out everything I've kept back. You have come over in the middle of the night when I have had a hard time just to listen and be there for support.
I have neglected to tell you how much I appreciate everything you have done for me. You have been my rock and without you, I don't think I would have been able to get through everything. Words can't express how much you and our friendship means to me. The best way I can put it is that you mean more to me than Cool Ranch Doritos and chocolate milk ever will.
For all you have done for me, know I will always be here to do the same for you.