In lieu of March Madness, Spring Parties, G-Day, Cinco de Mayo, and the end of school, I've decided to do some research. I've always heard that after a night of drinking and waking up totally regretting that night of drinking, that you should obviously hydrate with water. I've also always heard that the best foods to cure a hangover are your basic fried, overly processed, greasy foods. While every time I resort to these options such as Bojangles, McDonald's, Zaxby's, or whatever your guilty pleasure restaurant may be, I've noticed that more often than not I feel worse after than I did when I started. After reading many findings from different nutritionists, I quickly realized that going for that greasy fix is actually the exact opposite of what you should do when facing a hangover. Here are some of the best (and realistic) foods you should eat when you wake up regretting last nights drinking activities.
1. Eggs
There is literally nothing bad that can be said about eggs. They're loaded with Vitamin A which is one of the key vitamins that is diminished when consuming alcohol. So instead of going for the Bojangles Cajun Filet Biscuit, make some scrambled eggs with an English muffin to make your day just a little bit better.
2. Chicken (And no, not the fried kind)
When facing an unbearable hangover, one of the best things you can put in your body is protein. However, opt for the grilled option - fried is not providing you with all the nutrients you get from grilled, leaving your hangover lingering longer.
3. Nuts/Whole Grains
Finally, an excuse to eat all the peanuts and whole grain bread in the world! Alcohol causes your zinc levels to significantly decrease. Now is your chance to eat all the whole grain cereals you can find.
4. Avocados
For all you basic girlies out there, avocados are also a great cure for a hangover. They are loaded with potassium and will get you right back on your feet.
5. Bananas
Ah the super fruit. Bananas do so much good for your body already, but now they even can help you cure a hangover. If you're feeling extra awful, through a banana in with your whole grain cereal and you'll be on the mend.
There is nothing worse than being hungover, but next time you go for the greasy fast food, remember that the best foods to eat when facing a hangover are those filled with Vitamin A, Zinc, and Potassium-not grease.