1. '7 Rings' by Ariana Grande | The Odyssey Online
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20 Badass Feminist Songs To Listen To This New Year

IDGAF so thank u, next


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I've been listening to a lot of female artists lately, so much so I even made a whole Spotify playlist of fun, badass, feminist songs to jam out to. Promptly, the playlist is named 'girly shit,' and I've compiled all twenty of the songs on my playlist, and gave a reason why you should 100% listen to them. If you want to listen along while you read, the link to my playlist is right here.

1. '7 Rings' by Ariana Grande

This is my favorite new song (Ariana's been killing it lately, IMHO). It's a shameless flex on everything she's earned through her career and an ode to female friendship. At first, listen, it may just seem like she's bragging about all the money she has (okay, maybe she is doing that a little), but it's really about taking care of, and supporting, yourself. She doesn't need to be anyone's "Mrs.," and would rather "spoil all [her] friends with [her] riches." ...And now I really want to be her friend.

2. Bad Girlfriend' by Anne-Marie

I heard this song when Spotify automatically played it for me, and it's honestly just really funny. It's an upbeat bop despite the lyrics being about how bad of a girlfriend she is. Maybe you'll relate to some of the lyrics, maybe not (hopefully not), but it's still a really fun song that's worth a listen!

3. 'Not Your Barbie Girl' by Ava Max

You probably remember that super popular, constantly stuck in your head, 'Barbie Girl' song by Aqua. Well, this is kind of like the adult version of that. Maybe it's like Barbie's older sister. 'Not Your Barbie Girl' is a badass feminist version of Aqua's original song with its own beat. All Barbies should be like Ava Max, honestly.

4. 'Sit Still, Look Pretty' by Daya

'Sit Still, Look Pretty' is an empowering song, filled with confident lyrics about knowing your worth. It's about taking charge instead of sitting back and fulfilling the "housewife" stereotype that's often put on women.

5. 'S.L.U.T.' by Bea Miller

Who would have thought 'slut' could also mean something positive? 'S.L.U.T.,' or 'sweet little unforgettable thing,' is all about loving yourself, and not being ashamed to show off your body. Basically, just be yourself, do what you want, and don't listen to what other people have to say.

6. 'God is a woman' by Ariana Grande

I mean, do I really have to explain this one? I know Ariana's talking to a boyfriend or whatever in this song, and that they'll believe God is a woman after being with her, but after listening to this song on repeat I definitely believe it, too.

7. 'you should see me in a crown' by Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish has one of the prettiest voices I've heard in a while, and all her videos are weird and cool and creative all at the same time. This song is no exception; it combines a beautiful, haunting sound with a message that she's going to be the one running the show, and wearing her crown.

8. 'FRIENDS' by Marshmello & Anne-Marie

'FRIENDS' is another fun song that most girls can probably relate to. It's all about trying to friend-zone a stubborn guy who just keeps coming back. It's super upbeat and fun to dance to-- just preferably not with that guy.

9. 'I Did Something Bad' by Taylor Swift

I don't listen to Taylor Swift a lot, but I came across this song a few months ago and really liked it. If you haven't really listened to her music either, I definitely recommend this song! Much like her image lately, it's kind of like a dark come-back song where she doesn't care what people's opinions of her are, anymore.

10. 'Woman' by Kesha

This is another come-back type song by Kesha, off of the same album as 'Praying.' This song is a really good bop to pump you up, with its quick beat and empowering lyrics. Kesha's really been on another level, lately.

11. 'Pretty Girl - Cheat Codes X CADE Remix' by Maggie Lindemann, Cheat Codes & CADE

Maggie Lindemann isn't 'just a pretty girl,' and neither are you. This song stresses you're more than just the face you put out there, and that everyone has layers and flaws, but that's what makes them better and stronger.

12. 'Most Girls' by Hailey Steinfeld

This song is really great because it preaches supporting and accepting all women. It's good to have a song that doesn't pit girls against each other for wearing different types of clothes, or for what they do with their free time. Its intent is to lift up all women.

13. 'successful' by Ariana Grande

'successful' is an underrated track off of 'Sweetener.' It's all about how successful Ariana is in her career while still being so young, and how successful you are too.

13. 'Money' by Cardi B

'Money' is kind of in the same category as '7 Rings' in the idea that it flexes the money and success of these young women. In my opinion, though, it's good for girls to see that they can be this successful, and make money too if they work hard for it. It's only recently that I've noticed female artists really coming out with music where they show off what they have-- something male artists have been doing forever.

15. 'Woman Like Me (feat. Nicki Minaj)' by Little Mix & Nicki Minaj

Little Mix is an underrated girl group, and their song with Nicki Minaj is a true bop. It's about messing up a few times and breaking a few hearts, but all that experience is what made them the women they are today.

16. 'Shout Out to My Ex' by Little Mix

'Shout Out to My Ex' is kind of like the 'thank u, next' before 'thank u, next.' If these girls hadn't gone through what they went through with their previous relationships, they wouldn't be the people they are today. Thank u, ex.

17. 'thank u, next' by Ariana Grande

Again, does this song really need an explanation? No matter what you're going through, this chapter of your life will teach you something you'll be grateful for in the future (and you'll come out stronger for it). Thank u, next song.

18. 'Run the World (Girls)' by Beyonce


This song is iconic. That's all.

19. 'New Rules' by Dua Lipa

Hasn't this song become kind of a classic by now? Just follow her rules and you'll be good-- remember, Ariana told us you can be grateful for your exes, but you don't need to backslide.

20. 'IDGAF' by Dua Lipa

'IDGAF' is kind of like the follow up to 'New Rules.' Now she's over the guy-- she's cried enough-- and she's ready to move on with her life in the form of a catchy song.

What songs are your go-to girl power songs?

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