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5 Festive Scents To Use In Your Dorm Room That Will Give You All The Fall Feels

Ain't no scent like a fall scent.

5 Festive Scents To Use In Your Dorm Room That Will Give You All The Fall Feels

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Fall is one of my favorite seasons. The leaves are falling, the air is getting colder, I can start using blankets, and soon the snow will start falling. I love the scents of fall as well. For those of you trying to stay in fall forever (or at least until summer) and those trying to get in the fall mood, these scents are for you.

1. Apple Pie

Apples are a classic fall scent. For those that live in Washington, you know that local apples are harvested from August through November. Not only are apples a classic, but apple pie around the holidays is perfect and the mix of cinnamon and apple gives it a nice kick.

Looking for an apple pie candle to try? Check out the Warm Apple Pie Candle, $7.99 on Candlemart by Hanna's which offers good prices on high-quality candles like this one!

2. Pumpkin Pie

Just as apple pie is a classic around the holidays, pumpkin pie is just as much of a staple if not more and I'm sure many of you are chomping at the bit to get your Pumpkin Spice Lattes before they are out of season again. This Pumpkin Pie Candle from Yankee Candle is super sweet and is only $11!

3. Christmas Morning Latte

The Christmas Morning Latte is available year-round despite the name and is a Chai and White Chocolate latte that tastes and smells amazing. While Better Homes and Gardens released these wax cubes as limited edition in 2013, you can still find them on Amazon or Ebay at a pretty low price.

4. S'Mores 

While some may argue that s'mores are a summer necessity for camping trips, they are also a sweet smell of eBay trips in fall and one of the best ways to say an ode to summer as fall starts. These cute candles from Target are cutely packaged and only $9.99.

5. Apple Cinnamon

Back to the apples. As a girl from Washington, I lived in a community surrounded by orchards and apples felt like home. Adding a slight taste of cinnamon made them better and was an added improvement to the local commodity. These apple cinnamon wax melts from Glade make any dorm room or living area smell like home and Mom's cooking.

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