1. Tarte Shape Tape Concealer | The Odyssey Online
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10 Makeup Products That Are Beauty Guru Approved

Is a makeup product even any good if it isn't Jeffree Star Approved?

nikkietutorials putting on lipstick

Recently, the makeup world has become a bit oversaturated with new products coming out all the time. However, we tend to rely on our favorite beauty gurus to let us know if a product is good or not before we go out and spend our money.

I have compiled a list of worthy products that most of the online beauty community swears by that we can purchase knowing it is going to be a great product.

1. Tarte Shape Tape Concealer


Tarte's Shape Tape Concealer has become so popular and iconic that Tarte broke down and decided to make a foundation version. If you are even somewhat into makeup, then chances are you know what this concealer is. It is known for its full coverage and long-lasting formula. James Charles claims to use is pretty much every time he decides to put on makeup.

Update: the foundation was not "beauty guru approved." However, the concealer is still going strong in the beauty world.

2. Morphe Palettes


I remember in 2016, the Morphe 350 palette was so popular that it was almost impossible for anyone to get their hands on since it was always sold out. Most other popular palettes were about $40-$50 with less than half the shades of morphe's palettes. Morphe's palettes come with a wide range of shades and they only cost around $23.

Everyone thought that Morphe's eyeshadow palettes had to be too good to be true, yet morphe has proved time and time again they can produce quality products without ripping off their customers. Beauty gurus continue to love morphe and even continue to collaborate with the brand.

3. MAC lipstick


MAC's lipsticks were an icon in the makeup world before well before beauty gurus were even a thing. This is not a product that gurus have to do reviews on, because we all already know how great the product is. MAC lipsticks are not only popular amongst beauty gurus, but amongst A-list celebrities as well, including Rihanna and Taylor Swift. The most cult worthy shades are Ruby Woo (pictured above) and velvet teddy.

4. Laura Mercier Setting Powder


I am usually not an advocate for spending more than $10 on setting powder, but so many people swear by Laura Mercier's setting powder. I have not tried it for myself, but it is supposed to give a super flawless finish. Laura Mercier definitely has a great reputation in the makeup world. After seeing it time and time again in makeup tutorials, I have to say that I am definitely going to give this product a try.

5. Urban Decay All-Nighter Setting Spray


Urban Decay's All-Nighter Setting Spray is another product that most beauty gurus don't tend to review, simply because they already know how well it works. Instead, they just incorporate it in most if not all of their makeup tutorials. Many YouTubers will use this when wanting to create a "waterproof look." This is the cream of the crop product when it comes to keeping makeup in its place.

6. Morphe Brushes


While we know Morphe for their awesome eyeshadow palettes, Morphe's brand was originally created to buy great makeup brushes on the cheap. We all know that makeup brushes can cost a lot, however, morphe provides similar brushes to the higher-end options that won't cost you an arm and a leg. Any well-known beauty guru has some version of a Morphe brush in their makeup collection.

7. Kat Von D Contour Palette


Recently a lot of people have strayed away from Kat Von D's makeup products since she decided that she was going to bring an unvaccinated baby into the world. But before all of that went down, I must recognize that her contour palette has been a favorite not only amongst the beauty community but just in general. As you can tell in this picture, James Charles loves his and uses it quite frequently.

8. Any Tatcha Skin Care Product


Tatcha is a brand that can be on the pricier side, but Jeffree Star is someone who swears by it. We all know that we have to take good care of our skin for our makeup to look its best and Tatcha is an excellent brand to invest in when doing so. Tatcha also has a primer that people tend to swoon over that is supposed to give us that flawless finish that we all look for in a foundation.

9. Anastasia Beverly Hills Glow Kits/Highlighters


Anastasia Beverly Hills is a very well-respected brand in the makeup world. I have tried their Glow Kit, and I am obsessed. It is everything that you want in a highlighter. It is bright, pigmented, and creamy. Manny Mua even did a video claiming it to be one of his favorite makeup products.

10. Huda Beauty Faux Filter Foundation


There are many different foundations on the market that there is almost an oversaturation of them. This makes it hard to chose just one in a list of top 10 products. The reason I have chosen Huda Beauty's Faux Filter Foundation it because NikkieTutorials, the most-watched beauty guru on Youtube, claimed it to be the "holy grail" of foundations.

However, Watching the video Nikkie posted using this foundation shows how great it really is. This foundation is very pigmented and very full-coverage. If you are looking for a new foundation, this one is worth a try.

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