The 5 Best Eats In Louisville | The Odyssey Online
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The 5 Best Eats In Louisville

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The 5 Best Eats In Louisville

Louisville has some of the best food in the state of Kentucky. With so many restaurants, any foodie could easily go an entire year without repeating a single restaurant. One of the best parts about Louisville dining is the variety the city provides. There is something for everyone, including multiple price ranges and food types. It's hard to narrow what's the best, but there are a few restaurants that stand out among the rest.

1. Gustavo's Mexican Grill

The name says it all, but Gustavo's is a Mexican restaurant with three locations in Crestwood, La Grange and Prospect. What makes Gustavo's different from any other Mexican restaurant is its incredible service and family-oriented environment. Gustavo's provides quality food that is served piping hot and fresh at affordable prices, and it offers a friendly atmosphere that will hook you the first time you go.

2. Sweet Surrender

Sweet Surrender isn't a sit-down restaurant but actually a quaint, family-owned dessert shop. Located on Frankfurt Avenue, Sweet Surrender sits right on the road in a nice little house. Sweet Surrender offers fresh cakes of the day, along with cupcakes and vegan products, so there is always something for everyone. The dessert shop offers a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. It's the perfect place to get a coffee, order a slice of cake and enjoy some time with the family!

3. Mojito Tapas Restaurant

Located in Holiday Manor off of U.S. 42, Mojito's offers a multitude of different Spanish foods that everyone can enjoy. While a little more expensive, the Mojito's experience is one you can't miss. Instead of ordering one large meal, guests are encouraged to order a variety of smaller meals to truly experience a multitude of different tastes. Be sure to save room at the end for dessert because their churros are one of a kind, complete with hot chocolate dipping sauce and whipped creme.

4. J. Harrods

Located in Prospect, KY off of River Road, J. Harrods is one of the nicer restaurants in the area. While a little more pricey than some of the others, J. Harrods has a little bit of everything for the family. The atmosphere is relaxed, and is the perfect way to end a long week. With the home cooking style food, this restaurant is perfect for even the littlest family member. J. Harrods takes family style comfort foods and mixes the comforting atmosphere with the quality of a fancy restaurant.

5. Pat's Steakhouse

Pat's is considered one of the best steakhouses in the Louisville area. In fact, the restaurant is so confident in their steaks that they do not offer steak sauce and actually get offended if it's asked for. However, quality food like this comes with a price tag. While the most expensive on the list, Pat's is one of the most popular steakhouses in the area. The steakhouse also offers a variety of wines. Pat's is all about tradition and actually dates back 150 years as an inn to travelers! Be sure to check out this steakhouse and become a part of their tradition.

Louisville is a treasure trauve for amazing dining opitons. With so many amazing restaurants, it's hard to pick just five to talk about. Each one offers something unique to its visitors, but they all have something in common: their guests will never leave disappointed.

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