Eyebrows - Maybelline Brow Precise Micro Eyebrow Pencil | The Odyssey Online
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10 Makeup Dupes You Do NOT Want To Live Without

As a college student, you can't always afford those amazing high end products at Sephora. I made it my goal to find a full face of makeup using only drug store products.


Who likes to save money on makeup and still look like you are about to go on the runway? I know I do! I have had my times where I splurge on makeup products but for most of the time, you will find me at target finding my holy grail makeup products that I have been using for years. I have held on to these products for as long as ever and I will never go a day without them.

Primer - Maybelline Baby Skin Pore Eraser

This primer has gotten AMAZING reviews and it is only $6. Be ready for your face to look pore free!

Concealer - Loreal Infallible

This is one of the best concealers next to the Maybelline Fit Me concealer. I have never been one to use a high-end concealer because this one at $10 does the job for me!

Powder - Stay Matte

This is by far the best powder a drug store could give to you. It keeps me "staying matte" all day and for only $4!

Blush - L'Oreal True Match Blushes

These come in all different shades to match all skin tones! They are easy, go on super nicely, and are very compact. These babies are only $8 and you will not hit pan for a long time!

Bronzer - Milani Baked Bronzer

Milani's baked bronzer is one for the books! Not only does it give you that summer, beach tan but it also adds a little shimmer in it. If you're like me, the more shimmer, the better. This beautiful product is only $8 and it is worth it!

Highlighter - Colourpop's Super Shock Highlighter

I don't know about you but I have never really branched out and tried this brand. It is not your average Maybelline or Covergirl. But, I will say this does the job to give you the ultimate glow! It may just be me but I want people to be blinded by my highlight. This highlighter comes in a few other shimmers and stays at only $8.

Eyeliner - Maybelline Curvitude Liner

Eyeliner is one of those products that I usually would go high end for because the amount of product you get and the quality is better. However, if you want the top drugstore eyeliner, this one is it! Get your wing on for only $6.

Mascara - L'Oreal Voluminous Lash Paradise

I am sure that everyone has heard of the famous "Better Than Sex" mascara. Let me tell you a something, the name is not a lie! But, buying that high-end product every time can start to get a little pricy. Look no further for a dupe because this is the exact one you are looking for. This mascara has always been known as the dupe for the BTS one so go get your hands on this beautiful $8 dollar mascara.

Eyebrows - Maybelline Brow Precise Micro Eyebrow Pencil

I have never been one to fill in my eyebrows but if I would I would use this product. I felt the need to include this because for some people eyebrows are essential to their makeup routine. This bad boy is only $5 and does the job!

 Setting Spray - NYX Matte Finish 

This has been marked as one of the best setting sprays for 2019 and you must get your hands on it! It is only $8.50 and if you want your makeup to stay on through those wild nights then this is what you need to finish your routine off with! Don't waste your time making your face look all nice only for it to sweat all off!

Now that you have a list of the greatest drug store products of all time, grab your friends and your keys and go to the nearest Ulta and Target. You can now look the best you have ever looked before for less than one Sephora makeup product. I have always been into makeup and after experimenting, I was very surprised by how well drugstore products worked compared to high-end products. I would highly recommend implementing these products into your everyday beauty routine!

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