Top 9 Places To Eat At Disney World | The Odyssey Online
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Be Our Guest and 8 other of the most miraculous Restaurants At Walt Disney World

Check out some of the dining experiences that Disney World has to offer!

Be Our Guest and 8 other of the most miraculous Restaurants At Walt Disney World
Photo by Park Troopers on Unsplash

So you're planning your next Disney trip. Congratulations! You must be looking for some places to eat while you're out and about at the parks. I don't know that I necessarily dislike any of the restaurants at Disney World, but if you're looking for some honest recommendations from a Disney pro, you've come to the right place.

9. Be Our Guest

I recommend the French Onion Soup and the Croque Monsieur, and don't forget to try the Grey Stuff—it's delicious!

8. Cinderella's Royal Table

The Oven Roasted Chicken Breast and Beef Tenderloin are wonderful!

7. Tutto Gusto Wine Cellar

There are over 200 bottles of Italian wines, but you can opt for the Best of Italy Wine Flight, which offers 3 different kinds of wine. As for food, go with the Tutto Gusto Cheese and Salami to compliment your wine selection.

6. Aloha Isle

If you're visiting MK in the blazing sun, there might be a long wait here. Aloha Isle serves the famous Dole Whip, a perfect treat for a hot summer (or winter!) day.

5. Jungle Navigation Co. LTD Skipper Canteen

If you're feeling steak, I recommend the Dr. Falls' Signature Grilled Steak. I had the "Tastes like Chicken" Because it is!, and I especially loved the Jasmine rice. As for dessert, the Kungaloosh! And the Coconut Bar with Pineapple-Basil Compote and Vanilla Cream are exquisite.

4. Les Halles Boulangerie-Patisserie

I only go here for the sweets during the day, so I'm not familiar with the rest of the menu. However, I highly recommend the Crème Brûlée, Macarons, and Éclairs.

3. Via Napoli Ristorante e Pizzeria

Almost every time I come to this restaurant, I order the Margherita Pizza, but honestly, everything on their menu is to die for.

2. Liberty Tree Tavern

This is a typical family style dinner, and let me tell you, it's amazing. If you want some good, all-American food, this is the place to go! My family and I go here once every trip to Disney because it's one of our favorites.

1. The Hollywood Brown Derby

This restaurant takes the cake. Each time I eat here, whether it's lunch or dinner, I order the Charred Filet of Beef, but I've also heard the Famous Cobb Salad is wonderful. The actor interactions during the meal also make it a fun experience!

I love the unique experiences offered at each Disney restaurant, and that's why it can be so hard to choose where to eat! There is such a variety of restaurants at each park, and there's almost always something on the menu for everyone in your group. If you're looking based on food or even atmosphere, there's plenty to choose from. While planning for your next Disney World vacation, I hope you will check out my suggestions. Have a
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