16. Season 10, Episode 7 "Hashtag" | The Odyssey Online
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16 Of The Best And Creepiest Episodes Of 'Criminal Minds' That You Need To Watch Right Now

Emphasis on the creepy.


Did you know that season 15 will be the final season for "Criminal Minds?" I'm not exactly happy about it. I'm not ready to see them go. There are a few memorable episodes throughout the show's run that were very well written and creepy. The list below just names a few.

1. Season 1, Episode 7 "The Fox"

Two families are found murdered in their homes five days after they were supposed to go on vacation. The BAU tries to find the link between both murders and profile a serial killer, who deems himself "the perfect father figure."

2. Season 2, Episode 6 "The Boogeyman"

Several children in a small Texas town are found in the woods brutally bludgeoned to death. The BAU and the rest of the local residents set out to find who's responsible. However, their culprit isn't who they expected.

3. Season 2, Episode 12 "Profiler, Profiled"

When Morgan travels to Chicago to celebrate his mother's birthday, he quickly becomes the main suspect in a series of murders. The rest of the BAU are determined to clear his name, all the while digging very deep into Morgan's unshared past.

4. Season 2, Episode 15 "Revelations"

Reid is held hostage by an extremely religious man with multiple personality disorder. The BAU walk on eggshells trying to rescue their friend alive. However, they have no idea where Reid is being held captive.

5. Season 3, Episode 3 "Scared To Death"

Several bodies are found in a mass grave in Oregon. The BAU works to track down the perpetrator: a psychiatrist who murdered over a dozen of his clients by using their worst fears against them (claustrophobia, aquaphobia, etc.)

6. Season 3, Episode 5 "Seven Seconds"

A shopping mall is under lockdown when a little girl goes missing. The BAU must search the building and identify the kidnapper. Unbeknownst to them, the abductor is closer than they think.

7. Season 3, Episode 15 "A Higher Power"

When a neighborhood in Pennsylvania experiences an unusually high suicide rate, the BAU are confused as to why they were called in. However, they soon discover the works of a serial killer that claims to be an angel of death.

8. Season 4, Episode 11 "Normal"

A delusional spree killer, nicknamed "The Road Warrior," targets blonde women and shoots them while they drive on the freeway. The culprit becomes hard to capture, as his victims are at random and he is described as looking "normal."

9. Season 4, Episode 21 "A Shade of Gray"

While the BAU investigates a series of child abductions and murders in New Jersey, they notice that the latest case doesn't match the pattern of the previous abductions. This causes the crew to suspect the victim's family of being involved with the crime.

10. Season 5, Episode 13 "Risky Business"

Several teenagers commit suicide within a two-week period, which raises suspicion with the BAU. After some searching, they come across an online "choking game," which is treated as a contest amongst surrounding schools. Another teenager is thought to be responsible for the game's creation, but is he really the culprit?

11. Season 6, Episode 5 "Safe Haven"

A thirteen-year-old spree killer is on the loose, targeting families in Nebraska and Iowa. While he's on the hunt for his next family, the BAU must stop him before he kills again.

12. Season 6, Episode 13 "The Thirteenth Step"

Two young lovers celebrate their recent marriage by going on a murderous rampage in Montana. The BAU must track them down before the killers can have more "fun."

13. Season 7, Episode 2 "Proof"

A mentally challenged man tortures his victims with sulfuric acid before murdering them. The BAU heads to Oklahoma to put a stop to the terror.

14. Season 8, Episode 3 "Through The Looking Glass"

A family in Kansas is found dead and another family goes missing right after. The BAU searches for links between both cases. It's only a matter of time before the second family ends up like the first.

15. Season 9, Episode 15 "Mr. & Mrs. Anderson"

It's Valentine's Day! Unfortunately, the BAU has to spend it hunting down a married couple. More specifically, a married couple that gets sexually aroused by committing murder.

16. Season 10, Episode 7 "Hashtag"

A killer unleashes his wrath on popular internet users by brutally murdering them, and the BAU must find him before he kills again.

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