The best communication tools and channels to engage remote and hybrid workers | The Odyssey Online
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The best communication tools and channels to engage remote and hybrid workers


The best communication tools and channels to engage remote and hybrid workers

The pandemic has caused a boom in remote work, where entire workforces have transitioned to working from home with little advance notice and, in some cases, little planning. Governmental lockdown periods are becoming weeks long in the majority of nations, and it’s unclear when things will return to what we previously considered to be normal. As individuals and organizations recognize the benefits, remote work may very well become the new norm for many enterprises.

Given the changes, successful, lasting remote working necessitates the best methodology and toolkit. To ensure that their internal communications efforts are reaching employees in the most efficient way possible, communications professionals are constantly looking for new and improved ways to increase and enhance them. The days of management and staff communication being limited to typewritten memos, phone calls, posters, and staff meetings are long gone. Thanks to technological advancements, connected, digital workplaces now feature a variety of internal communication solutions that allow employees to interact on several channels.

Because there are so many communication alternatives available in today’s modern workplace, we must tend to them like a garden. Distributed teams are prone to being choked out by shoddy communication management, which stalls their growth.

Understanding the different characteristics of the available communication channels is crucial before selecting your own communication architecture.

Asana: (

Sam Underwood, owner of Bingo Card Creator recommends Asana which is a project management tool that enables teams to collaborate from a single point of truth, stay on schedule, and meet deadlines. Teams may set up work on a shared calendar, assign tasks and responsibilities so nothing gets missed, and communicate in real-time using @mentions on comment threads linked to each project or task using their easy task manager. For efficient processes, Asana also connects with a wide range of well-known apps and tools.

Lucidspark: (

Caitlyn Parish, founder of Cicinia recommends Lucidspark. The canvas of this tool serves as your team’s central hub for brainstorming, idea sharing, and organizing a strategy. Use tools like sticky notes to swiftly record ideas, the shapes library to diagram workflows, a timer to help you stay focused, and virtual voting to make sure all opinions are heard. Starting with a blank board is an option, as is using a ready-made template from their library to get things moving.

Recognition software: (

Remote teams can receive the recognition they deserve with the use of recognition tools. Employee engagement is largely driven through recognition, yet many firms don’t do it as frequently or as the employees would prefer. So that you never miss an opportunity to celebrate victories and recognize progress, the right software can help you take the guesswork out of employee appreciation and integrate employee recognition into your team’s processes and culture.

Slack: (

CEO and Owner of VIP To Go, Abe Breuer recommends Slack which has rapidly become a mainstay for office communication. Additionally, it functions particularly well for streamlining communication and connecting remotely. Employees use “channels” in Slack to coordinate conversations and work.

To keep all status updates, files, meeting notes, and feedback in one location, use separate channels for each project. Additionally, you may set up channels for each team, such as #team-sales, so that you can easily communicate with your coworkers and organize daily meetings.

Zoom: (

For good reason, Zoom has grown to be the most popular video conferencing software. Zoom makes it simple to meet face-to-face with your team from any location. When workers collaborate in real-time, tools like breakout rooms and discussion threads are extremely helpful for fostering discourse, invention, and cooperation. There is a low adoption barrier among teams as a result of the interface’s high degree of intuitiveness (and the fact that most individuals are now familiar with the tool).

Microsoft Teams: (

Kathryn McDavid, the owner of Editor’s Pick, recommends using Microsoft Teams. With Teams, you may communicate, meet, chat, and make calls using Microsoft Teams instead of switching between different apps for each job. For in-person team meetings and one-on-one conversations that are more intimate and natural, use video conferencing. It is simple to present, discuss, and organize work thanks to features like screen sharing, personalized backdrops, and file sharing.

Notion: (

Notion is a platform that allows you to completely customize your company’s wiki, projects, and educational materials. Notion gives you the freedom to create and arrange your content however you like by providing a variety of formatting options, such as a calendar or board view.

Teams can share information with one another and look for specific data using the filters and search bar provided by Notion’s capabilities. The workflow of remote teams is sped up by these tools. Employees can use the company wiki to find a previous article or report that offers a solution to their problem instead of interrupting a coworker to ask them a question.

Sococo: (

Employees at Sococo can log in to an online workspace to collaborate and replicate the experience of being in a real location.

Rooms can be rearranged and decorated by businesses to improve the atmosphere for staff and promote more regular interactions. Similar to how it is in real life, certain rooms are used for socializing while others are used for business. For instance, you could go to lunch with your coworkers and engage in more relaxed chat. As an alternative, you can “knock” on any of your virtual colleagues’ doors to share a fresh thought.

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