Places You Can Save Money As A College Student | The Odyssey Online
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7 Places You Didn't Know You Could Save Money As A College Student

There's no denying that college is absurdly expensive, so it's always a relief to find ways to save money whenever and wherever possible. Whether it's at a local movie theater, or an online streaming service, any help is good help when you're paying hundreds to thousands of dollars a quarter for schooling.

7 Places You Didn't Know You Could Save Money As A College Student

One of the most rewarding things about being a student is the amount of money to be saved on almost everything (apart from the education itself, of course). Whatever you like to do and whatever you need to buy, there's probably a discount for it. While spending money is never fun, sales and discounts make it slightly more sufferable. Here's a list of discounts available to you as a college student on all your goods and services.

1. Amazon Prime Student

After a free six-month trial, you'll be paying $6.49 instead of $12.99 a month get deals on all your shopping needs, plus benefits like Prime Video and Prime Delivery.

2. Spotify Student Prime (with "free" Hulu and Showtime subscription)

With Spotify's student package, which is $4.99 a month, you'll have free access to streaming on both Hulu and Showtime. Plus, you get to listen to and share all your favorite music without adds. Without your student status, you'd be paying close to $13 for this deal.


Instead of $14.99, spend $9.99 to catch up on all your favorite shows. It's worth it even if you're just getting it to watch Game of Thrones. Not to mention, there's a 30-day free trial.

4. Retail

Most popular online retailers offer student discounts that can be used for any and every purchase. Through UniDAYS, you can get free instant access to sales and discounts at stores like Urban Outfitters, Adidas, Levi's, and Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Check your local Goodwill and Costco for sales, too!

5. Technology

Apple, Dell, BestBuy, and Microsoft all offer student discounts, among other popular tech stores. Many cell phone providers also offer discounts on service plans, so be sure to check with yours!

6. Travel and Transportation

With Choice Hotels, you can save 15% off at all the best hotels. As for transportation, Greyhound and Amtrack both provide 10%-20% discounts on all tickets purchased. Insurance companies like Allstate, GEICO, State Farm, and Nationwide also offer car and life insurance policy discounts (providing that you meet certain criteria as a student).

7. Local

Most local businesses (grocery stores, museums, movie theaters, restaurants/bars, tattoo/piercing shops, etc) offer student discounts. And if they don't advertise any, it doesn't hurt to ask.

Visit for more information about where you can find student discounts, and be sure to keep your eyes peeled for special Winter sales at your favorite online stores and retailers!

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