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Food Drink

5 Of The Best Coffee Shops In Louisville, Kentucky

These coffee shops are guaranteed to fulfill you with a caffeine fix so strong, you'll be back tomorrow!

5 Of The Best Coffee Shops In Louisville, Kentucky
Shelby Arnett

Over the past few years, my love for iced coffee has increasingly grown. I would now call myself a coffee fanatic, but I embrace the name with pride due to the belief that each cup of coffee you have should taste like the best one yet. Though Starbucks is always a reliant coffee franchise to visit, I have expanded my coffee shop experiences since the moment I could drive. Each coffee shop I've stepped into has carried its own unique atmosphere, as well as incredible coffee to go along with it. I even carve time out of my daily schedule just to get a daily dose of lattes in my system. It makes me feel good and ready to take on the day, but even more so, it tastes even better. If you've found yourself stuck on where to find some of the best coffee in Louisville, Kentucky, you've come to the right spot.

Safai Coffee

Shelby Arnett

Safai, located on Bardstown Road in the Highlands, is as well known for its coffee as its crepes. The perfect mix of sweet and savory, Safai offers a plethora of local coffee and espresso drinks, as well as soda drinks, such as Purple Rain. Safai is by far my favorite coffee shop in Louisville, and they even have a "pet" squirrel that they feed right outside the window!

Please & Thank You

Shelby Arnett

Please & Thank You is not only a local coffee shop, but it also serves as a bakery with its warm -- and lightly salted -- chocolate chip cookies. All of the Please & Thank You locations are well known for is old-fashioned juke boxes or turntables that play a range of tunes to fit your liking.

Heine Brothers' Coffee

Shelby Arnett

I wish I had started drinking Heine Brothers' coffee much earlier than I did, because their organic and fair trade coffee is to die for! The coffee shop is a Louisville original, and they offer both paper and plastic straws (save the sea turtles!) to accommodate all of their customers and promote a healthy environment. Heine Brothers' is well known for its dedication to fair trade and treating others with dignity and respect, making for an overall positive atmosphere.

Sunergos Coffee

Shelby Arnett

I just recently tried an iced latte from Sunergos, and I was thoroughly fulfilled with the mix of sweetness and coffee. There are multiple locations throughout the Louisville area, each one varying in its structure and seating arrangements. Their original location on Preston Street even keeps up with its training lab where baristas receive their training!

Quills Coffee

Shelby Arnett

Quills serves freshly brewed coffee on a weekly basis and even ships bags of coffee to your home! Coffee enthusiasts from Louisville and Indianapolis, and even people across the country, enjoy the goodness of Quills coffee and espresso.

My discovery of these coffee shops in Louisville has exposed me to a range of different areas that I have never seen before. I find myself making the trip across town just for an iced vanilla latte. Each of the coffee shops listed above has a specific mission, and that is to serve its customers well while roasting the best coffee possible. Whether you love coffee or despise it, I highly suggest you check these places just for the experience, or even if you're craving a sweet treat (like a crepe or chocolate cookie!). You may surprise yourself in your discovery. Enjoy the coffee journey!

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