Best co-op video games to play | The Odyssey Online
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8 Addicting Couch Co-Op Games To Play On A Rainy Day

Or any day if you want to experience the ultimate multiplayer fun!

8 Addicting Couch Co-Op Games To Play On A Rainy Day

There's nothing quite as satisfying as partnering up with your friends to work together against a common enemy. With this selection of couch co-op games, you'll find the perfect opportunity to band your teammates together and combine forces to kick some serious butt!

1. Rayman Legends

This playful 2D side-scroller is vital for any platform lovers collection. It features a four-player mode that allows each member to showcase enemy fighting skills through a cast of adorable characters. It also gives players the opportunity to compete against their partners to collect the highest score. At the end of each chapter, Rayman Legends has a musical level that unlocks previous levels from the Rayman franchise!

2. Divinity Original Sin

Divinity Original Sin is an award-winning fantasy role-playing game that allows players to explore a complex world of mystery in a split screen adventure. Designed to be enjoyed by two players, this game offers turn-based combat and an intensely interactive world that makes for hours of entertainment!

3. Diablo III

An exciting dungeon crawler action role-playing game that will have you and your friends on the edge of your seats, anticipating the next ambush from enemies. This game offers a variety of unique characters to play as, such as warrior, sorcerer, rogue, and more. The heavy lore will inspire those who are fans of fantasy and complex storylines. The best part? It's 100% Couch Co-op!

4. Overcooked

Overcooked is a perfectly simple game that requires fast-paced communication between friends playing together. With the goal to complete orders coming in by slicing ingredients and serving to anxious customers, this game has the feel of a quirky diner dash. The end goal being to please hungry customers enough to get a three-star rating and generous tip for the speedy delivery of your dish!

5. Super Mario 3D World

Part of the charm with Super Mario 3D World is that it brings a new twist to a beloved classic. Now you're able to free roam with your favorite Mario characters, who are prepared for battle with new costumes that hold valuable powers. A game that is enjoyed even more with friends that can uncover all the hidden stars!

6. Aegis Defenders

A brilliant blend of Tower Defense and Platform Aegis Defenders is a beautifully made indie game featuring four diverse characters, each with a specific strength designed to inspire cooperative playing. The gameplay introduces a series of intriguing puzzles and fascinating lore that make for an engaging storyline that all ages can appreciate.

7. Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 is a first-person shooter open-world action role-playing game that supports up to 4 friends to play online co-op. With stunning graphics and a series of central quests and side-missions, this critically acclaimed game is vital for players seeking an exhilarating experience!

8. Lego Marvel Superheroes 2

A new edition to the Lego-themed games, Marvel Super Heroes 2 comes packed with all your favorite characters to control and some new ones! Lego introduces a new four-player competitive battle mode. Filled with adventure and puzzles to solve, players will be thrilled with the open world game-play, similar to its beloved predecessor.

This list has a game for every player to enjoy, whether it be shooter, slasher, or platform! Guaranteed to provide hours of sheer entertainment. So grab your snacks and get ready to play!

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