Best Cities In Canada To Move To Right Now | The Odyssey Online
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Best Cities In Canada To Move To Right Now

Seriously. We're not joking. These cities are AMAZING.

Best Cities In Canada To Move To Right Now
Dr. Odd

Have you recently been feeling under the weather with a bad case of wanderlust? Do you hold a special place in your heart for quality healthcare, genuinely kind people, and maple syrup? It may be time to pack your bags and head north to Canada.

We’ve picked out the best places in Canada for students to move to. Right. Now. So choose your favorite, say “that’s the one for me, eh!” and start learning the metric system.

1. Montreal

This absolutely beautiful city is the perfect place to escape to after experiencing the worst political year in American history. Montreal, home to McGill University and Concordia University, was recently named “Canada’s Best Student City,” so you’re automatically going to love it here. It has everything you love about a classic American college town without actually being American. It’s also close to New York, so you can still make day trips to your favorite hot dog stand if you want.

2. Victoria

All the way on the other side of Canada is Victoria. West Coast Americans will feel right at home in this bay city located right by the state of Washington. Here, Victorian architecture and outdoor activities are in abundance, so you’ll especially love this place if you fancy art history or if you’re one of those dedicated children of the earth that likes to go to the greenbelt year-round. Victoria is home to many students and retired people. Thus, the “grandma” of your friend group can finally have a safe haven in Victoria.

3. Toronto

For reference, Toronto is the one with that big pointy building that looks similar to the Space Needle. It’s the most populated city in all of Canada and the 4th largest city in North America behind Mexico City, New York City and Los Angeles. Toronto is a famous hub for both business and the arts, meaning B.S. and B.A. majors can live here equally and harmoniously. It’s also where the television series Degrassi has been set since the franchise was first founded in 1979. In your new life in Toronto, you can peacefully spend time thinking about how Drake used to attend “Degrassi High” while taking in the beautiful scenery.

4. Vancouver

Vancouver is celebrated for its ethnic diversity and large LGBTQ community. It’s like San Francisco but better! Located just northwest of Washington, Vancouver has something for everyone: mountains, a coastline, big skyscrapers, and a big glowing golf-ball-shaped building known as “the Telus World of Science.” That sounds DOPE.

5. Ottawa

Aside from the fact that Ottawa is the capital of Canada, the city’s gorgeous skyline belongs on the cover of a Canada travel guide. It has a mix of modern structures and buildings that look like European castles, reflecting the city’s unique and welcoming vibe. The city of Ottawa also has “sister cities” social and political agreements with Beijing, Cairo and Catania; in other words, Ottawa is that kid that always killed it at Model UN debates. Additional bonus: Dan Aykroyd is from Ottawa. Who ya gonna call?

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