Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year. The best part about Christmas is how everyone has so many different traditions.
Opening a gift on Christmas Eve
The opportunity to open a gift a day early??? Count me in!
Helping mom wrap my siblings' gifts
Every year, I get to help wrap my siblings' gifts before we put them under the tree. This gets things done faster for mom, but we still don't get to see our presents.
Christmas Day
Every year on Christmas, my family gets up at 5 am to start unwrapping gifts. We've gotten up this early for as long as I can remember so we can unwrap the gifts, play with them for a bit, and then get ready to go!
Christmas breakfast
Every Christmas morning is the same. After getting up at 5 am and getting ready, we go to my Mamaw's house for breakfast. We usually have a whole spread of biscuits, gravy, bacon, and eggs. Then, we get more presents!
Family pictures
At my Mamaw's house every year we get family pictures. They're always my favorite! This one is from 2014!