I cannot believe that the month of January has flown by already. I literally only have a few photos of this past month, and I really want to begin taking photos in these past few months. I did some research and found some of the best cameras on the market and wanted to share them.
Sony DSCW800 Digital Compact Camera
This camera is the most compact camera on the market right now and it offers the best bang for its buck. It is about $75 and offers its users a great LED screen. It has great zoom capability and it comes in two great colors!
Canon IXUS
This compact camera zooms to an acceptable 12x magnification, making it an awesome camera for close-ups! It is part of the Powershot series and offers a really good view of what Canon can offer. It is not as epensive as other Canons but it is a nice camera if you were to go down to the beach for a day.
Panasonic Lumix
The last camera is the most luxurious of them all. The Panasonic Lumix is 20.1 megapixels and even offers its users a one inch sensor so it can steady on moving objects. This camera has the best auto-focus feature so if you're going to be using a camera in high moving areas, this is the camera for you! It is one of the more expensive ones, but it does do its job well.