Picture this: You're in the middle of class, and your stomach starts to ache. You can feel the whale-call of a hunger groan coming on, and you know everyone in the vicinity will hear it. Stuff of nightmares, right? Here are my favorite "bring to class" snacks to completely avoid this embarrassing conundrum!
1. Carrots and Hummus
A Ziploc bag of baby carrots and a snack cup of hummus is the perfect portable, filling snack.
2. Granola Bar
3. Breakfast-To-Go
These little snack packs are super yummy and come in a lot of different varieties (even ones with chocolate!)
4. Apple and Almond/Peanut Butter
Justin's almond butter comes in little snack packs, so cut up an apple, throw it in a bag and grab your almond butter mini pack.
5. Babybel Cheese
6. Almonds/Nut Mix
Nuts are extremely filling and rich in vitamins that power your brain! Perfect for difficult classes.
7. Cereal
I mean, who doesn't love them?
8. Saltines/Crackers
Crackers, especially my personal favorite, "Chicken in a Biskit" are a great thing to throw in your bag for any occasion.
9. Cuties
Easy peel Oranges are AWESOME.
10. Snack Packs
These come with cheese, nuts and a variety of things that are super filling, easy and yummy.