Last week, my roommate and I were remembering all the childhood board games we used to play with our families and friends. We couldn’t stop laughing and reminiscing on all the good times we had. Here are some of my favorite ones (and ones I would totally still play today):
Guess Who. Who doesn’t love to ask question after question about someone? This is every child’s dream. The most frustrating thing about this game was not being able to ask if it was a boy or girl until one of the final rounds. If you guessed the correct person, you felt on top of the world.
Twister. Twister was the best game to play as kids. It got out all of our energy and it was fun getting tied up with our friends. Sometimes I would dress differently if I knew I would be playing Twister so that I could be very flexible in my outfit. The only bad part about this game was if you had to be the person who had the spinner.
Monopoly. Monopoly may also be known as the game that never ends. My parents used to let me pick one game to play with them at night, but only one game, so therefore I would pick Monopoly because I knew it would last forever. There was something about going to jail that made it more fun. It was also thrilling opening property and passing go and getting more money. There could also be some be life skills that go along with this, such as money management and decision-making skills.
Trouble. This game was and still is my absolute favorite. There is nothing more exhilarating then taking your friend’s spot on the board and sending them back to start. My brother and I used to take this game so seriously that we would compromise chores and other things in order to not go back to start. I don’t think this game will ever go out of style … I just played this game over Christmas break and I have no shame admitting it.
Uno. No other game was played more at family reunions or birthday parties than Uno. This was game that involved everyone (the more the merrier) and could last quite a while. It was amusing to have whoever was sitting next to you (preferably a sibling or best friend) draw three cards. It was also exciting when you only had one card left and could announce to the crowd of people that you indeed, had Uno.
Hungry Hungry Hippo. This game was fun to play with a sibling. It always got me riled up with energy because I would want to win so badly. This is one of the few games my grandma would have at her house, so my brother and I would always play this one when we visited.
I know there were also so many other good games that we played during childhood. If you say that you wouldn’t play any of these games again now, you are most definitely lying. Playing these games with your baby cousins is only an excuse we use to relive our childhood and have some fun.