We live in a world filled to the brim with blogs, vlogs, and heck, there are even Instagram Famous dogs.
Is this real?
Welp, there are some accounts that just honestly help my mood.
Social media could be a whirlwind and it is important to make sure that you are following people that are brightening your day and not leading you into that trap of comparison.
This fall, there are a few bloggers keepin' it real, that I would highly suggest followin'.
1. Jenna Kutcher
If you want REAL, you have got to follow this gem.
She says it like it is and she created a multi-million dollar company with just a camera.
While you are stalking her Instagram, you might as well head on over to her podcast too, it just might change your life.
2. Manda Carpenter
Manda is most likely the most raw person you will ever spot in the Insta-realm.
She is kind and compassionate and it bleeds through her photos and lengthy captions.
Her heart is seen through her photos and holy moly, she is genuine.
3. Chelsea Bird
Phoenix native's, this one is for you.
This girl is passionate and she has a sweet little baby on the way.
Head on over to see her page and get inspired by her style.
4. Tony Smith (Aka: The Mop Top)
This gal has some rad style ideas. She is based in Portland. So all of you hip and trendy humans, go click follow.
5. Kat Harris
Kat Harris, otherwise known as "The Refined Woman" has started a community for young women of all ages.
You can find her on the 'Gram, and also filling your ears with motivation on her podcast. You will not regret giving her a peek.
These are 5 of the many, many, blogs out there and I would encourage you to go give them a look. You can and will be encouraged and inspired by their genuine style, advice, and uplifting words!