Best 6 Tips For First Date Success | The Odyssey Online
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Best 6 Tips For First Date Success

Few first date tips that are guaranteed to go over better than a standard flower gift that you just plucked off the side of the road.

Best 6 Tips For First Date Success

Need a few first date dating tips? Even the seasoned dating pros need a few relationships tips to get the ball rolling smoothly. There are lots of free dating sites that offer online dating tips and online dating information, but not many that address the issue of what to do when you actually meet for that first date.

First of all, being nervous is normal. Even if your date seems calm and collected, chances are they are secretly as nervous as you are. That’s good. That’s what makes a first date exciting! So, still a little worried about what you should do, where you should go, or how should you act on a first date? Here are few first date tips that are guaranteed to go over better than a standard flower gift that you just plucked off the side of the road.

Be Creative

Make sue you take the time to think the whole night through. “Winging it” is never a good plan. It tells your date that you didn’t care enough about this first date to make it worth your while.

The standard 2 hour movie is not a good way to get acquainted. You need to talk face to face without an on-screen explosion getting in the way. A dinner is always nice, but can leave one feeling like they have to be a chatter-box in order to keep the dialogue up. The best solution is a low-stress daytime meeting (like a lunch or coffee). This way, you can both make it a short commitment and you can both get acquainted in a very “non-date” atmosphere. Plus, you both get to eat! Check the internet to find some local café’s or lunch restaurants.

Want to get more creative? Try the zoo for a first date. Sound too weird? Think about it. You get to stroll around at a leisurely pace, you get to look and talk about a lot of fascinating things around you (the animals). This will give you lots to talk about instead of mindless chatter or more serious discussions like, “What happened to your last relationship.” Plus, you can leave anytime you like, so there’s no pressure to “ride out” the date if you both don’t like it.

Not a zoo person? No problem. Get creative and find events or locations that have enough going on to stimulate conversation. That’s the most important thing. Don’t worry so much about trying to “entertain” on your fist date, worry about creating an atmosphere where you both can simply talk.

What to Wear

Wear clothes that make you feel good.

You want to dress to impress, but above all BE YOURSELF. You don’t need to wear a suit if you don’t wear one on a regular basis, and you don’t need to dress “cheap” in order to get some attraction. Your date is sizing you up on what may be the only time you meet, so make sure your clothes reflect who you really are.

Keeping that in mind, don’t show up in a tank top and sandals (unless you’re going to the beach, of course!). Make sure your clothes are clean, neat, and pressed (this means no holes or stains). New clothes can help, but again, don’t try so hard to impress your date, unnatural attire will stick out like a sore thumb.

Make sure your date feels comfortable

Find something nice about your date and compliment her or him. And when you say it, be sincere. Don’t just flatter for the sake of flattery, find something about your date that you truly want to compliment. This will earn big brownie-points with your date.

Manners and Kindness

Good manners are always in style. Don’t think you are too cool to say please and thank you. Even if your date goes poorly, always thank your date for coming out with you.

Be courteous and attentive to your date. Don’t let your eyes wander (don’t say you couldn’t help it! You’re an adult, use some self-control!), and don’t flirt with anyone but your date.

Make sure you do an equal amount of listening as you do talking. No one likes a chatter-box who only talks about themselves. You’re both there to learn about each other. Part of learning is listening.

Attitudes and Habits - Stay Positive

Don't complain on a first date. I don’t care if you complain all day long. Your first date shouldn’t be one negative comment after another. Find things that are going well on your date and point them out.

Don’t drink too much. If you know you get a little “weird” after a few drinks, exhibit some restraint and don’t drink too much. You may think you’re charming after a few, but your date will only see a dribbling fool.

Now for some first date ideas:

Take a class together



Ever watch the TV show, “Blind Date?” They do just about everything under the sun. Watch a few episodes. Get some ideas. Be creative. Have fun. And don’t forget, ALWAYS BE YOURSELF!

Good luck!

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