This past election is no doubt one of the most disappointing moments in United States victory and I know that many people are currently mourning the fate of this country. We try and blame the liberal and green party voters for the outcome at hand. And yet, as we do this, we also reminisce on the good times earlier on when Bernie Sanders was in the scene, with inflated promises of a better future. However, we are wrong to do so. Bernie Sanders stepped up to the stage when American was not ready to hear him, and pushed his voice to be heard despite America’s obvious interest in Trump. Then, Bernie Sanders, knowing that the nation was not ready for the hopeful ideas of what our country can be, trashed on Hilary. Bernie Sanders ruined Hilary’s campaign from the get go, and essentially made her appear as damaged goods to our country. This is why Trump became president. Because Bernie Sanders failed to distinguish reality from a daydream. He relentlessly hounded on Hilary Clinton to such a point that the public thought Donald Trump, a joke of a candidate, would be better in office than Hilary. While there are many people to blame for what comes next, I feel as if the only person to blame is Bernie Sanders. It makes me sick to see all of these memes and hear people talking about how they wished Bernie Sanders could have saved us if only he had been elected to run for the presidency. While it would’ve been nice to have Bernie in office, the plain truth is that he never would’ve been elected because America was not ready for such big proposals. And furthermore, I feel like Bernie is in fact not a good candidate for the presidency because of his failure to realize this. An important aspect of leading this nation is knowing what the people want, and Bernie Sander’s simply had no clue and had an agenda to push. If anyone feels as if Bernie Sanders deserved more credit, well that person may as well have voted for Trump because that's what Bernie Sanders did to our nation: made them elect the joke of the century. Congrats America, and I credit Bernie for whatever happens next.
PoliticsNov 14, 2016
How Bernie Got Trump Elected
Bernie Sanders is the reason why our 45th president of the United States is Donald Trump.