It doesn't matter whether you are a liberal, a conservative, or Trumpeting around about making America great again. If you watched the first Democratic Debate on the 13th you witnessed a clear victory for presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Despite Sanders being one of the oldest candidates, he is currently the politician leaping the most in the polls. He may not have won the internet battle this past Tuesday with Donald Trump gaining the most Twitter followers during the debate, but at least his emails were not the main topic of conversation like Hillary. Sanders repeatedly called out his only real democratic competition, Hillary Clinton, practically leaving her speechless. Hillary took a hands off approach to being questioned about her e-mail history and it left room open for the other candidates to gain momentum.
This major victory for Sanders was not simply because of his witty remarks, but more importantly due to his understanding of the issues which really mattered. When the candidates were each asked to give a thirty second response on what the most dangerous issue to the United States currently was they responded with things like the chaos in the Middle East, the risk of nuclear weaponry, or the threat of ISIS. Bernie Sanders was the only candidate to respond with the number one issue toward the United States which is climate change. Sanders is not simply planning to, "Make America Great Again," instead he is planning to make the entire planet great again. He understands that the country needs to focus on climate change so that our children can live in a world where they can continue to debate politics, and not over the last drops of clean water our planet can provide to us.
Overall there was nothing flashy about the democratic debate, and it was nowhere near as controversial as the republican debates have been. The underlying story we were all left with was the resurgence of a candidate who actually knows what he is talking about, which is a refreshing change.