When I saw the headline that Bernie Sanders was dropping out, tears immediately began to run down my cheeks. My heart sunk to the bottom of my chest. Like a rapidly deflating balloon my mind went from the craft project I was working on to impending doom. I felt all of my emotions at one time. Feelings of Hate, Anger, Sadness, and Defeat filled my head.
Overall it was a terrible day, and I'll admit it, I didn't try to help myself. I listened to Frank Ocean’s song Godspeed one too many times, I watched his farewell speech along with compilations on YouTube, and even sent snaps of myself sobbing to the song Good Grief to my friends. I was a train wreck, I'll admit it. But it felt weird, I don't know how to describe this feeling, but it was like a loss in a way.
After a lot of reflecting today I want everyone to know that you have to take care of yourself. Rest and reflect, make sure you eat enough, take time to enjoy doing things you love. Elections and politics can cause anxiety and sadness, especially during these unprecedented times. Take a break. Mourn. Grieve. Cuss. Scream. In fact, I give you permission to say something passive aggressive to that Republican family member. It's okay to be upset. We are human. Getting through this election is going to take a lot of stamina and courage. These are tough times. But, once you are ready to get back out there, please don't stop fighting for what you believe in. Bernie Sanders movement inspired me. It changed me. It made me care about something that was greater than myself. So, after I lick my wounds I will return to the battleground.
As for the general election, I'm not sure what my plan is. I have a lot of people asking if I will write in Bernie, or vote for Biden. Some even asking if I will stay home in protest. While I'm unsure of my path forward — know that I will never take my voting rights for granted.
Remember to take care of yourself :) We will get through this.