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What Your Favorite Berkey Creamery Ice Cream Flavor Says About You

The proof is in the pudd-.....ice cream.

What Your Favorite Berkey Creamery Ice Cream Flavor Says About You

If you're a Penn State student, you know all too well that your favorite creamery flavor is a commonly asked question from outsiders. There are so many options, and it is everyone's goal to try every flavor at least once. Everyone has a favorite flavor, and here's what your favorite flavor says about you:

1. Alumni Swirl

You have a secret wild side. Behind the vanilla ice cream hides the mocha chips and blueberry swirl that are toooo good to resist.

2. Death By Chocolate

Talk about addictive personality...when you have a new obsession, you hold on and don't let go for as long as you can.

3. Grilled Stickies

You're a true Penn Stater at your core. Even your favorite ice cream flavor can't hide that. Grilled stickies forever.

4. Monkey Business

You like to change things up and try new things. Not only is banana ice cream a walk on the other side, but the yummy peanut butter and chocolate take it to the next (delicious) level.

5. Peachy Paterno

You care about tradition. 'Nuff said.

6. Peppermint Stick

You're always stuck in holiday mode...no matter the season. You live for memories of persistent peppermint.

7. Arboretum Breeze

You're calm, cool, and collected (with a raspberry swirl).

8. Happy Happy Joy Joy 

You love and appreciate consistency. The Creamery perfectly recreates the beloved Almond Joy with this yummy flavor.

9. Teaberry

You're quite the old fashioned...talk about a throwback.

10. Bittersweet Mint

You're all about keeping it simple. Whether it's the way you dress or your daily routine--you tend to opt out of the "frills."

11. Monster Mash

You live for adventure and branching out in life. You totally embrace your wild side.

12. Vanilla

Free-spirited and joyous, you tend to go with the flow while keeping up with your own well-being.

13. WPSU Coffee Break

You're a night owl and swear by caffeine to get through any day. In fact, you love it so much that you crave it with sweets too!

14. Birthday Bash

You're always down for the next party or event and love to be on-the-go. Your colorful personality lights up a room.

15. Coconut Chip

A lover of sippin' piña coladas and getting caught in the rain...

16. Chocolate

Very forward and easy to read, you're not afraid to speak your mind when you have an opinion on something or disagree with someone about something important to you. Not to mention, you're a true chocaholic.

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