I was blessed with one older sister and I can honestly say I wouldn't be half the person I am today if she wasn't in my life. Also, I wouldn't have half the clothes I do if it wasn't for her!
We may fight, but at the end of the day I know she would do anything for me. I also know that if she called me needing anything I would be there for her. All the fights we break out into are usually pointless; I can only remember the cause of a handful so most weren't worth the trouble, and I think she would agree with that statement.
The past few years of living states away has been so hard for me. I can't begin to describe how much I have missed having her around. Earlier this year she was half a world away from me so our communication wasn't as strong as it normally is, but that just means our greetings are so much louder and so much more welcoming. Seeing her face (which is eerily similar to mine) after a long break always brightens up my life!
I couldn't survive family vacations without you. Whether it's swimming with sharks, or going on a walk, you are right beside me through it all. When we need an escape from our parents, even though we love them, you are there to distract me and love me!
You give great boy advice. We've both gone through heartbreak. But you did it first. I am so glad I could learn from you, even though you weren't always open about your feelings, I know you cared enough to show me how to get by.
Through everything, I can say I have loved being your little sister and I wouldn't trade it for the world!
- To Kendall.