After I obliterated my phone and my laptop in the same week I realized how reliant I am on technology. Many tears were shed, and for what two pieces of hardware? Well laptops and phones obviously mean more to us than that, but imagine if they didn’t. If we didn’t have technology at all, this week opened my eyes to how nice it would be if we didn’t need our phones and computers all the time.
There wouldn’t be an expectation to be tuned in.
Now we get information to us instantly, whether it’s push notifications, E! News updates or shared Facebook articles, there’s an expectation that we should know everything all of the time. Imagine if we could live in bliss not caring which Kardashian was pregnant or waiting for the next Jay Alvarez video. Being tuned out is sometimes a good thing, of course it’s important to stay updated on important news, but usually our generation gets wrapped up in the unnecessary entertainment news.
We would be forced to talk to each other.
No more waiting for a phone call, text, DM or however you communicate. If someone wanted to hangout they’d be forced to talk to you about it in person, if someone was mad at you they couldn’t send a passive aggressive text and deny the meaning later. They’d have to tell you to your face. Imagine that novelty.
People wouldn’t see they’re self-worth in the number of “likes” on a picture.![]()
You wouldn’t have to refresh Instagram, or check how many views your snapstory got. No one would care and you wouldn’t compare yourself to other people who get more likes than you or are more artsy than you. What a beautiful thing that would be? Maybe girls would have higher self-esteem.
Online dating wouldn’t exist.
Tinder, E-Harmony and wouldn’t exist. Everyone would have to buck up and ask each other out in person. WOW. How many years have gone by since this has happened? I personally think, if electronics were banned, this would be the first thing to go.
We could actually enjoy a concert.
Nowadays you go to a concert and all you see are phones in the air capturing every second. People are obsessed with sharing their every activity that they have to make sure they record the concert instead of actually enjoying it. Be present. It's less important to make people think you're having fun.
While spilling coffee on my laptop and destroying my phone was by all means tragic. It made me think about how reliant we all are on our technology and without it we become lost and confused. Sure without it we would face a few minor inconveniences, but imagine the benefits in a technology free world.