So, you're here reading this because you are officially back on the market. I hope you are doing great. I hope you are doing well. It is okay--breakups are part of life! They are part of what make us stronger individuals. It is not easy going through it, but in no time you will be back to your own chipper self. Here are 9 things about being newly single that you should be appreciative of!
1. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want.
Wanted to buy that dress that showed a little too much skin? Want to cut all your hair off? Are you tired of feeling like you have to try too hard? Well, now that you're newly single, you can do whatever your heart desires. You have no man, or woman, to tell you what you can and can't do. You can say, act, and express yourself in whatever way you choose. Heck, you could even dance around the house in your underwear! Just don't break the law!
2. You have the whole bed to yourself.
Remember when your significant other used to hog the bed? Remember when he/she stole all the covers from you? Remember when you had to sleep on a specific side of the bed? That's a thing of the past! You can take up as much space on your own bed as you desire.
3. Dates by yourself are so much fun!
Tired of being cooped up in the house? Go to your favorite coffee shop. Go to a new restaurant. See a movie. What's the catch? Do these things by yourself. Become comfortable with going out on your own. It's intimidating at first, but once you do it regularly, you find that you will love it!
4. You can't feel bad for taking that cute guy/girl's number.
If an attractive, single, desirable human being comes up to you and asks for your number, you're probably used to declining politely. But, now that you are back on the dating scene, you don't have to hesitate. Say yes! You never know where it'll lead.
5. You can spend all the time in the world with your girl/guy friends!
Sometimes when you're in a relationship, the person who you're dating can limit you from seeing your friends. Whether it is because you voluntarily spent time with you SO, or because they were controlling, it still sucks to not see friends as much as you normally do. Call up your friends and see if they wanna catch up! They probably miss you!
6. Your wallet will thank you.
Being in a relationship can be expensive. All of those dinner dates, concerts, gifts, and surprises all add up. When you're single, everything is so much cheaper. You don't feel obligated to buy things for others, and it justifies spoiling yourself. You will be rich in no time. Even your bar tab will thank you, because you can finally work on trying to get free drinks.
7. You are going to grow from this experience.
You can reflect on the past relationship and draw what you need to from it. Everyone is going to come into your life as a lesson, a blessing, or both. Take both the positives and the negatives, and learn from them. This process is about falling in love with yourself again. Without growing, you will not become the person you want to become or reach your full potential.
8. You have all the time in the world to pursue your passions.
Whether you were too busy worrying about the stress your previous relationship put you under, or the person prevented you from doing what you wanted to do, now you can do it. The only person holding you back now is you. Go for it! You've got this!
9. You can now dance to Single Ladies by Beyonce again.
Last but not least, don't forget to dance to Single Ladies! It is an absolute anthem. Nobody can cheer up the breakup blues better than Queen Bee herself.
There's obviously more benefits to being newly single, but here are some of the highlights. Enjoy this time while it lasts! Cheers to new beginnings, and cheers to a new you!