Studying is never fun, but the best way to get it done as soon as possible and without added stress and headaches is to get it done by yourself. Take it from a certified loner that there are far more benefits to walking this road of knowledge a lone wolf.
1. Where and When?
Studying with a friend or maybe even your class crush sounds nice but in reality just leads to you working around their schedules and preferences of places to study. What if your friend is the busy bee who can only study before 8am or after midnight? Or what if your crush needs to stay around the area he’ll be having practice at so you’re stuck studying in a sweaty gym full of meatheads? Odds are you’ll be annoyed and/or distracted and not able to fully absorb the information you need to know. You can avoid these situations and actually get work done if you lock yourself in your room or even hit up a quiet café alone. You’ll have peace of mind, be well rested, and be able to smell the sweet aromas of your own home candles or the café’s freshly brewed pots of coffee.
2. Worry about you
Everybody studies differently and grasps things in different ways. You might need time to read material over and over again until it finally clicks or maybe you explain things out loud to yourself and you understand it instantly. Having a study partner, they may make you feel like you need to speed up your understanding so that they can quiz you on the material or maybe they are just totally lost and you will have to explain a whole chapter to them. Either way you’re not doing what helps you or you’re just cutting into your own study time. Make life simple and do what you and only you need to do.
3. Eyes on the prize
It’s hard to keep focus on things as boring as quantitative physics when it’s a beautiful day and you know people are out partying it up at the pool or having bottomless brunch without you. What does help though is not having someone sitting next to you, reminding you of how much fun you’re missing out on. With your work in front of you and no side chatter to divert you, odds are you will learn what you need to know in half the time it would take if you weren’t alone. Set personal goals for yourself as to when you want to get your work done, limiting procrastinating on Instagram and Facebook and you might just make it out in time to enjoy that beautiful day.
So remember, there may be no I in team, but there are also no teams that take tests together. Sometimes you have to put yourself first to have personal successes and if being alone is what it takes, by all means I know I’m willing to shut the world off and be by myself to do so.