As children, we are often gifted with wonderful imaginations. We create characters, stories, and entire worlds that become real in our heads. They are our getaways and our safe havens for play. Yet as we get older we find that such thinking gets discouraged. In school, we are all taught to think in a certain way and daydreaming is something that becomes impermissible. Then by the time we reach college and high school many people lose their sense of imagination as schedules and routines become the only reality. Yet in between all of these stages that tend to ween us off of our creativity, there are some of us who cannot help but retain it. Some of these people become artists, writers, thinkers, and often times just plain dreamers. Usually, society often discredits these types of people as their sense of wonder is usually considered childish and immature. Society tells us to become a part of the machine and water ourselves down in order to fit in. But why should we? Having an overactive imagination is actually a gift and anyone who is able to keep it in their adulthood is pretty darn lucky.
Having an overactive imagination means seeing the world in different ways. For us imaginative folks, no stone is left without a story. Everything around us has a reason for being there and something spectacular about it. Even the cracks in the pavement look like paintings to us as we often see patterns, faces, and stories about them. We see the world as something continuous with everything being connected in some way or another. Our imaginations allow us to see a world with value. Therefore, we tend to appreciate the little things more.
Furthermore, having an overactive imagination is a great escape. The ability to imagine a world/scenario and let your mind venture through it while listening to your favorite song is, really, one of the best things about having an imagination. It is like always having a safe place where no one or thing can bother you. It can be so empowering and so rewarding to have something that lets you be away from the world. It is exciting to have such an overactive imagination, really. It is like always having a canvas in front of you and your mind is the brush. There is never any restriction on what you can imagine or create. And In a world with so many restrictions already, such an imagination is truly freeing.
So imagination is something that is personalized. It is a tool that allows someone to be an individual in their own way. From the way they see the world to the worlds that they create for themselves. Having an overactive imagination is a wonderful thing. It makes all the little details of every day different, adding something special in between all of the responsibilities of life. It gives us a unique perspective on life, allowing us to be and think different despite what anyone else may say. So if you are lucky enough to be someone with an overactive imagination, cherish it! It is something really special to have. Let no one take it away from you because it makes you unique.