“It's OK to disagree with the thoughts or opinions expressed by other people. That doesn't give you the right to deny any sense they might make. Nor does it give you a right to accuse someone of poorly expressing their beliefs just because you don't like what they are saying. Learn to recognize good writing when you read it, even if it means overcoming your pride and opening your mind beyond what is comfortable.” -Ashly Lorenzana
A huge issue I experienced growing up and going to a school in a small town, especially in the religious south, was that many people were extremely close minded and stuck in their ways. Gay marriage was a huge issue in my school. I remember when the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples could get married, my Facebook feed was filled with anti-gay remarks -- most of which coming from people I knew from school or in the community. I have always been an avid supporter of gay rights and having an open mind toward this, something so lowly supported in my area, led to a lot of more open mindedness on my end.
I know what it feels like to have your opinions shot down and ridiculed so I refuse to do the same to anyone who may think outside of the box or have an idea that maybe no one else has thought of. That is an incredible benefit of having an open mind: I learn so much. I learn about the other side of things, maybe something I have never even heard of or thought about up until that moment. I listen better, without judging: another amazing benefit. Even if I completely disagree with whatever is being said on the other end, I listen. I let whatever is being said sink in and then react. I have noticed that when people aren't hearing what they want to hear, they go into intense defense mode and just blow up. I do not just randomly start going off or attacking the other person because they do not have my same beliefs. I understand their beliefs or opinions or ideas, but that does not mean I have to accept them. Another benefit -- acceptance.
Another great benefit is just being open in general. Being open minded does not just mean understanding and listening to beliefs, ideas, and thoughts-- it can be anything. It can be trying new experiences, trying new foods, visiting a foreign country, visiting a different church, anything! Last summer I went parasailing for the first time: I am terrified of heights and not a huge fan of boats, but I tried it and I loved it. I can't wait to go again honestly. So, parasailing isn't someone trying to change my opinions or tell me their thoughts, its a crazy new experience that I tried.
I will continue to try these new experiences and new foods and listening and learning and on and on because I absolutely love how it makes me feel as a person. I love how it makes other people feel about themselves. It is such a great way to live and I love every second of it.