Going to a small college or university is certainly not for everyone. In fact, going to a small school is not for most people, which is precisely the reason why many of these schools stay small. However, in my experience there is absolutely no better way to spend your college years than at any one of the many smaller universities throughout the country.
For many students, school is their home away from home. Often, students even look for little pieces of home in their everyday lives and routines. There is no better place to find these little hints than at a smaller university. The campuses are often more compact and personalized, the food is closer to your mother’s (but never the same!), and the relationships you build with peers and mentors become much stronger. The community around you truly becomes a home, a place you cherish and respect.
All small schools have another unique characteristic. Being social and active on campus is far easier simply because of the school’s size and everybody’s proximity to one another. Often, word on a small campus travels fast, and students know very quickly when an event is taking place. Students are also highly inclined to express themselves through clubs and organizations on campus. The diverse student body means there is a plethora of new experiences to have and people to meet, allowing one to have the absolute best college experience possible.
The most prominent reason, however, is the feeling you get knowing you go to a small school. Unlike larger universities, at a smaller school you are more than just a number; you are a name, a face, and a personality. Since class sizes are greatly decreased in comparison to larger schools, professors are far more willing to have one-on-one interactions and truly will take more action toward seeing you grow in every aspect. In fact, one could find themselves in a class of only 20-50 students, allowing for the professor-student relationship to be stronger and more personal. However, this extends far beyond the classroom. At a small school, you often know the names of your deans, dining staff, janitors, public safety officers, RAs, and secretaries; you may even know the names of their children, grandchildren, and pets. These connections help foster personal growth and success and stay with you once you graduate as well, becoming possible future mentors and even employers. At a small school, you can truly make a big impact.
There is simply nothing that beats attending a small college, and the benefits associated with these many schools certainly outweighs any doubts a potential attendee might have. Although small schools sometimes lack intense athletic pride and a massive party scene, they are rich in the areas that allow one to reach their fullest potential. I, without a doubt, consider the decision to attend a small school to be one of the best for my personal growth and future. I have the pleasure of feeling at home in a place where I know I count and can truly make a difference, alongside people I love, each and every day.