You may think I am crazy for saying such a thing. Running?! Who on earth could actually ENJOY running?! Well, I am here to tell you that even if you may not enjoy it, running is the best thing you could do for yourself mentally and physically.
I used to play a lot of sports back when I was really young. I enjoyed the common sports like soccer, tennis, lacrosse, etc. However, when I got to middle school, I really didn't care for any of those sports and put my focus on something new- cross country. I knew that cross country was not going to be easy, I mean it was running around 5-6 miles every day. I was definitely right about it not being easy based on how dead and out of shape I was every single day for the first few weeks. I continued with this and even track and field throughout middle school and high school. Although it was very difficult, I developed a strong love for running. Not even just for the sports themselves, just plain, old, running.
By the time I got to college, I stopped being apart of a team and began to run a lot less. The less I ran, the more I noticed such a difference in myself mentally and physically. Yes, running is an amazing workout and is great for your body. However, that is not the only thing it is good for. In fact, running is even better for your mental health. Seriously, just being outdoors, on a treadmill, or wherever, going on a run gives you freedom.
Running gives your mind the opportunity to clear itself. It gives you the chance to escape from any worries or problems that may be going on in your life. If you're feeling extremely stressed about school, are having relationship problems, family problems, or just feeling down, going for a run can push that all aside for a bit. If you ever get that angry feeling, like that feeling after a fight or something doesn't go your way, try just sprinting for a few seconds while blasting your favorite music. Trust me, it is letting all of your anger or frustration out in the best way. I once was mad at someone in my life and I decided to run on the treadmill for a bit. Sometimes when I'm angry, I'll sprint it out. So I did that, and I felt instantly better and more open to communicating, it made me more calm and civilized.
By run, I mean any kind of running. Running on the treadmill for a few seconds, going for a long run outside, slightly jogging, running super slow, super fast, etc. Even walking! Anything that involves moving your body in that way will benefit you in every way possible. If you are not a runner or have never ran like that before, yes, it will be difficult at first, but just like everything in life, it gets easier. The more you do it, the less it feels like a burden or just a "workout", and the more it feels like freedom.
Trust me, I know running is not everyone's cup of tea and there are many other ways you can get this feeling. But, this is just one of those feelings that is different from yoga, meditating, journaling, etc. The adrenaline rush and ability to go wherever you want, and yes, the runners high! This meaning that long runs eventually give you a feeling of euphoria, and it is truly amazing. They are unique feelings that help you in every single way possible.
Even if you despise running, just give it a try and never say you cannot do it. Everyone is capable of running in any way that they can. That is the beauty of it, you get to choose your own course, your own pace, music, etc. No one is there to tell you that you can't do it. You can do it. You can do anything, think anything, and be anything while you run.