Have you ever wanted a pet to feel loved but do not want the load of responsibilities that comes with a pet? Well, there is a very simple and easy solution to your problem, my friend. You should invest in your very own pet rock! They are fun to play with and are very loyal to you! You might be thinking that a pet rock might be stupid or pathetic, but here are seven benefits of having your very own pet rock:
1. Loyalty
Seeing that your pet rock does not have legs, fins, or any limbs for mobility, it will never leave your side. It will always be there for you when you need it. That is the kind of pet you need. Dogs and cats can leave you at any time they want to. They just walk out of your life, but not pet rocks! They will stay with you through your best times, your worst times or anytime. Some haters might say that fishes will not leave you either, but they can always jump out of their fish tanks to leave you. Pet rocks will literally stay in the same place for their entire lives!
2. Bathroom Clean Up
Your pet rock does not have organs to get rid of waste from their bodies, so they do not have to use the bathrooms at all. That is easy clean up for you, because there is no clean up! You will save lots of money by not getting a litter box or air fresheners, and you will save money on your water bills since they will not have to use the toilets at all. This is a win-win situation for you and your pet. You save a lot of money, and your pet rock can spend more time with you since it is not going to the bathroom all the time.
3. Maintenance
There is practically no maintenance for your pet rock. Unlike other pets, the pet rock is very independent and does not need its owner for everyday activities. The pet rock also does not like to get pampered with treats and nice clothing, so you save lots of money on that. All it wants is to spend time with you, and that is all that really matters.
4. Food
The pet rock actually does not have a digestive system, so it does not need to eat food at all. It actually gets its energy from the love and affection you give it, and that is free! You save lots of money by not getting fruits, vegetables, bread and other food that a normal pet would eat. Other pets would drown themselves with different candies and meats which would cost a fortune, but your pet rock would not have any of that!
5. Water
Like with food, your pet rock does not need water to survive, so your pet rock does not need to drink water. Drinking water is not just where you will save water. Pet rocks actually clean themselves by staying out in the sunlight. Through photo-sanitation, the rock destroys all the dirt and sanitizes its whole body in about 20 minutes in the sun. You save lots of water and soap that you would use to clean an ordinary pet like a dog or cat.
6. Savings
I have been stressing this throughout the past five reasons, but you save a lot more money by getting a pet rock than any other pet. For example, the first year for owning a dog costs you $1,270, and the first year for owning a cat costs you $1,070. For a pet rock, the cost for the first year is 0 dollars and 0 cents. There are no maintenance fees, no food costs, no extra water bills and nothing else that the pet rock would really need. The pet rock is basically a free way to feel loved!
7. Overall Love and Caring
Even though pet rocks can save you lots of money, in the end, they really give you lots of love and affection when you need it. They always are trustworthy, and never lie to you or your family. Pet rocks actually can help you out with groceries or everyday chores when you are just too busy or tired. If you are going through something very emotional like your marriage or a loved one's death, pet rocks are known for sympathizing with their owners unlike other pets. In the wild, these rocks give each other support through activities like competitions or having a death in the family. Your pet rock is very adapted to these situations, and it will love you to death!
Dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, parrots, birds, turtles and snakes do not show nearly as much emotion, passion and love to their owner as pet rocks do. They financially benefit the owner without the burden of cleaning the poop or bathing the rock. No matter how lonely or depressed you get in life, just know that you will always have your pet rock with you to give you the extra love you need!