One of the most amazing things about the medical field is the fact that there is always new research being conducted on anything and everything, that includes the use of medicinal cannabis. According to DISA, there are now only 7 states across the country that consider medicinal cannabis illegal and criminal, thus making those states not on board with the benefits of medicinal cannabis.Now, the question is why? Why are they not on board with the most up-to-date research that has been conducted regarding this natural medicine? Simply put, they are not educated. So, what are some of the benefits of medicinal cannabis?
A number of patients that use medicinal cannabis is due to the fact that they have dealt with a lifelong pain that won't seem to go away even with the over-the-counter drugs that are given to them. Not only this, medicinal cannabis has been proven to relieve such pain much longer than any prescribed medication that normally fades after only so many hours.
Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Post Traumatic Disorder, these are just a few of the many mental health disorders that ail millions of people in the country. One of the benefits of medicinal cannabis that helps mental health is the ability of reducing the high stake problems that could increase while on pharmaceutical medications. Yes, there have been great strides in the world of pharmacology when it comes to treating mental health disorders, but it has been proven time and time again that there is an increase of episodes while on pharmaceutical medicines.
There have been numerous tests and researches conducted about how beneficial medicinal cannabis is for those who live with the heart wrenching reality of epilepsy and tourette's. Nearly 4% of the population of the United States lives with epilepsy, some are unable to find any sort of treatment that can work for them, making life a bit unbearable to say the least. With the help of medicinal cannabis the symptoms of these two greatly reduce, making life easier for them.
Learn more about medicinal cannabis here.