However, since moving to Syracuse, New York for college my perspective has changed immensely. Below is my list of why I love living on both coasts of the country.
1. Fake People
One thing I will say about California, is there are fake people everywhere, especially if you are around people who are affluent. This changes everything and can make you feel very lonely. It's hard to make friends when you can't tell if people are being genuine or just acting a certain way in order to please you.
Compared, just solely on people, the east coast is very different. It might take time to warm up to someone, but once you do, people who are from New York, Massachusetts or any of those areas are so down to earth, honest and real. I have met so many openly unfiltered honest people since moving to New York and it is so refreshing.
I feel like that is very much how I am and with some of my friends back home, I felt like I had to hold my tongue.
2. Food
Okay, I just have to say it. New Yorkers do not know how to make avocado toast. I am a basic California girl and I love avocado toast as much as the next girl, but every time I get it here, it is literally guacamole on a piece of soggy bread. That is not even close.
Paying for avocado toast in California was abysmal because of the prices but I would make it homemade all the time. The produce was also about 5x times better in California and that is one thing that I miss. However, the apples are something I have to give New York props for. Some of my close friends are from upstate New York and when I said I never went apple picking before, they were shocked.
I have to say that was one of the coolest things I have done since being here. Lastly, chicken/buffalo wings seem to be a big thing here, and I have never tasted one in my life. But, hey there is a first for everything. I'm not going to even get started on the juice cleanse talk in California but trust me it's a thing.
3. Dieting
At my high school, girls would basically eat nothing. Girls would carry around packs and packs of gum and chew it all day, to keep themselves from eating. It was crazy.
I definitely think that college has changed everyone's mindset towards food and I think that's a good thing. I am so happy to be out of a place that encourages drinking juice for five days straight and basically, discourages carbs at all costs.
This is not to say all people from California are like this, but just in my personal experience, looking at both I am happy to be exposed to the two very different worlds.