Many people find it difficult to commit to one major due to their love for a variety of different subjects, I am one of those people. Since I have a strong passion for creativity, writing, business, planning, sports, etc. I choose to be a Communications Major in order to hit each and every one of those subjects. While others may view it as a negative, a wise professor at Fairfield University portrayed to me all the positives and benefits of being a communications major and it truly influenced my decision.
1. Social Interaction
While many people want to sit behind a desk, that is not who I am. I grew up with a job that required a lot of social interaction with customers. Being polite, happy, and helpful is a way to make others happy with the service that is received. By being a Communications Major it is assisting me in learning more about these skills and how to make someone happy, whether it is in the workplace or in one's social life.
2. Choosing a Minor
Every communications major tends to specialize in one type of field but is not tied down to that specialization. I chose marketing because it hits the business part of my passions along with the creativity and in a way planning. I could sit behind a desk all day if I wish or I can interact with colleagues along with customers. The possibilities are endless when choosing a minor that is just right for you.
3. Variety of Job Options
Many people perform the same type of job for their entire career. As a communications major, I have the option of changing jobs without having to go back to school. If someone goes to school for Finance, they will most likely be doing finance for the rest of their lives and the same goes with nurses, accounting majors, etc.. The freedom of being a Communications Major is that it allows for me not to be relieved from stress and offers me plenty of paths to go down in my future. Communication is in every business, whether you realize it or not.
4. Communication Skills
Reflecting on the variety of classes I have taken over the past two years, I have gained an immense amount of lifelong skills; such as public speaking. I was always nervous in front of crowds, but this one specific class taught me to be calm, collected, and confident in front of a crowd. It also taught me how to read and understand others in the workplace, this is a great quality to have in order to please your customers and get along with colleagues.
Moving forward, communications is a growing field and I see it first hand here on my campus at Fairfield University. The classes offered are growing, more professors are being hired, and students are happy with where they are. Do not let anyone get you down for being a Communications Major because the benefits are infinite.
Be yourself, express yourself, find what you love, and explore what you love.