Most JMU students cannot wait to get out of dorms. Yeah, most students do not see the point of living on campus for more than one year. But everyone should live on campus for at least two years. Especially here at JMU. ORL, JMU's housing staff, works tirelessly to create such a beautiful on-campus experience for all its students, including upperclassmen. I know everyone is usually itching to get off campus because of the independence one gains, but the perks of living on campus vs off campus should outweigh that.
It's convenient.
Yes, this is the most at least reason ever. You are closer to classes on campus and all the events held on campus. You can go back to your room to sleep for an hour between classes. Not to mention instant access to the libraries whenever you choose. No need to catch the bus or walk to class and for no need to fight for parking. All reasons why living on campus is the most convent option.
Avoid the parking struggle.
Let's be honest, the struggle with parking is probably the most appealing reason to stay on campus. No need to run to class or risk the possibility of being late. It doesn't seem to matter how early one gets to campus all the spots are already taken. Living on campus allows you to not worry about parking.
Avoid adulting.
Indeed we are already adults but living on campus you can prolong one of the most annoying parts of adulthood, like bills. Yes, you have to pay for housing but not electricity, water, wifi or cable. Staying on campus gives a balance of adulthood in the sense of having to take care of yourself but also gives you a bit of security by having your RA and HD be there to watch over you as well.
It's simply safer.
This is an important reason for living on campus. Unfortunately, off-campus housing has experienced various incidents of very frightening happenings. With living on campus, you have the residential advisors constantly maintaining the building, housekeepers, and not to mention the JMU police always motoring campus to make sure everyone is safe.
You have the rest of your life to live off campus.
Most first years can't wait to get off of campus to be "independent least" but you have the rest of your life to live off campus. The chance to live on campus is an opportunity that you only have while you are here as an undergraduate unless you become a hall director. Why not take advantage of this opportunity now while you have it? on-campus
Make the most out of your JMU experience.
We have four maybe five years to enjoy our duke dog undergraduate experience. Why not live on campus and take advantage of all the best parts of campus 24/7. Be the first to arrive at games without having to park. Have access to the library whenever you need too. Everything you need is right on campus and if you need to go off campus you can. But at the end of the day, you get to truly enjoy all the benefits of being an on campus.
There are many reasons to live off campus, yes, but we have all our lives to enjoy those reasons. Prolong your JMU experience as long as you can and stay on campus for another year.