It's that time of year again when flocks of college kids will head to Jamaica, Cancun, Miami, or other warm beaches. These people will hang with friends, soak up some fun, and party...a lot.
Although partying isn't the only fun part of Spring Break in Miami, a lot of people do head to Spring Break for that reason. Me, I am going home for Spring Break and here are some benefits of heading home for a week.
1. Laundry
2.Good Food.
Not to say there is not going to be good food at the various locations you may be partying, but it is not home cooked food. There is something nice about going home and getting a nice home cooked meal. Plus you can hit up all the spots that you love but do not exist in your college town.
3. Sleep
There is a reason Spring Break is right after midterms. And who doesn't like their own bed?
4. Visiting Old Friends
One of my favorite parts of going home for Spring Break last year was seeing my friends. Some of my friends had the same break as me while I was able to visit others who go to school near my hometown. College friends are great, but sometimes it is nice to spend time with high school friends as well.
5. Catching Up on Homework
I know this one sounds like a bummer, but homework is a necessary evil. And reading a chapter or two or taking some notes will help a lot when you get back to school.
6. See your pets
Although this one does not apply to everyone, anyone who does have a pet understands how much we miss them while at school. A huge benefit of break is getting to play with your furry friends.
7. Pick Up a Hobby.
When at home I really enjoy baking and crafting but have very little time for both of them when I am at school. A lot of my break is going to be spent attempting new recipes. Break is a great time to do the things you love and don't usually have time for.
8. Catch Up On TV
My family and I always watch TV together, so when I am at school we all stop watching shows until we can together when I am on break. Although not everyone has a situation like this, break is great for watching all the shows you are behind on and binge watching some new ones.
9. Spending Time With Family
One of the things people learn when they go to college is how much they love their family. To me, the best aspect of going home is spending time with my family.
10. Taking a Break
This one may seem obvious, but sometimes going on vacation seems like more work than a break. Going home means a break is a true break from work, school, people at school, etc.
11. Relaxing.
What I want the most...
Have a Great Break!!!